Holistic Learning in PE Flashcards
Explain the ways in which the Welsh curriculum is holistic?
-Greater whole ideas surrounding learning and PE
-More personally relevant
-A shift away from performance to being more educative
-Learning across different domains
(Cognitive, Affective, Social and Physical)
What are the three words to remember when going through the teaching process?
WHY- why do we do something and what are the aims of PE
WHAT- what do we do in our classrooms and what is our medium of delivery
HOW-how do we enact this- how to we apply pedagogy?
Recently, what has been seen as the problem with PE?
“In recent times PE has been caught up in the politics of sport, physical activity and obesity”
(Pill, 2007)
What is the problem with PE being caught up with physical activity?
“If PE and physical activity become interchangeable terms then there is a loss of the educative value of PE”
What does the current curriculum favour/ current state of PE?
-sport as a dominant medium of delivery
-a performant discourse is privileged (Tinning, 2010)
-there is a dominance of the multi-activity approach within the curriculum
What do Harris and Legget state about fitness?
“Fitness for life vs Fitness for Performance”
What do Soltz and Thornburn state are some of the main, broad aims of holistic learning?
“the affective, the cognitive, the socio-moral and the psychomotor”
Describe the psychomotor aim?
-has ‘weight’ in school
-large amount of time spent on PE as a “sports technique”
-a need to become an expert physically
Describe the cognitive domain?
-highlighted to give PE a “proper subject” title
-the ‘academesisataiton of PE”
-examination contexts dominate
Describe the socio-moral domain ?
-often assumed that by just playing sport =character development
-games do have a role to play but need more social engagement= local community (Australian curriculum)
What does Bailey et al state about the socio-moral domain?
“PE is widely viewed as having the capacity to enhance socio-moral development”
(Bailey et al, 2009)
Describe the affective domain?
-related to subjective consciousness and feelings
-potential to make PE meaningful
-at odds with the performance privelediged aspect of PE
Explain the concept of mind/ body dualism?
-Dominance in early PE stages of the separation of mind and body
-privilege of the psycho-motor domain
-PE is not simply just physical
What does Kirk state about holistic learning?
(Kirk, 2013)
“a shift in thinking around learning to encompass ideas around social holism and situated learning has provided a broader view of what PE may be”
What does Jess and Carl state about the potential of holistic learning?
(Jess and Carll, 2019)
“must develop a holistic view to be meaningful and relevant to pupils lives”
A holistic approach and learning across domains is potentially salient