Holistic Health And Fitness(H2F) Flashcards
What does H2F stand for?
Holistic health and fitness
What is H2F?
It’s the army’s new direction on soldier fitness. It covers physical and non physical domains of the soldier.
What are the five critical elements of H2F?
The five critical elements are governance, program, equipment and facilities, personnel, and leader education.
What does the governance element cover?
The governance process ensures efficient and effective H2F programming, provides the necessary emphasis and support to secure resources, and prioritizes effort based on strategic objectives.
Who is in charge of creating H2F doctrine and regulations?
The United States Army center for initial military training.
What are the two phases in the H2F training and testing?
Initial phase and sustainment phase
When does phase one start and end?
It starts as soon as their recruits and can last up to 6 months. May end soone or last longer depending on the Soldier.
What is phyiscal readiness?
The ability to meet phyiscal demands of duty, a postion, a battlefield, and return hhome healthy
Whats is nutritional readiness?
The ability to recognize, select and consume the food and drinks to meet physical and non-phyiscal demands
Whats is mental readiness?
The ability to meet mental demands of combat, position, adapt in extreme risk and adversity, accomplish the mission and continue the fight
What is spiritual readniness?
The development of personal qualities needed to sustain times of stress, hardship, and tragedy.
What is sleep readiness?
The ability to recognize and implement sleep principles and behaviors to support optimal brain functions.
What are the three training cycles?
Microcycle, mesocycle, and macrocycle
What is integrated periodization?
Cordinated inclusion of multiple domains of readiness into multiple phases to balance training of a soldier.
What are the three components of nutritional readiness?
Foundational, operational, and therapeutic nutrition