Holding Flashcards
Key parts (3)
holding fix, outbound leg, inbound leg
Holding fix
Where the holding pattern begins and ends
What can a holding fix be?
NAVAID, radial/DME fix, intersection, GPS waypoint.
Holding at GPS waypoint
- hit OBS
2. set holding CRS
Holding side is where __ leg is flown
outbound leg
Holding course is the same as the ___ course
How is the length of a holding pattern determined?
DME or timing
timed holding patterns
1 minute
timed holding patterns > 14,000
1.5 minutes
When do you begin timing?
over the holding fix
outbound abeam the holding fix
wings level outbound
when do you have to adjust for winds?
outbound leg (but not required on the first pattern)
Holding airspeed?
150 knots
When do you begin slowing to holding speed?
Within 3 minutes of arrival at the holding fix or clearance limit fix
Turns in holding should be made at
3 degrees per second or 30 degrees, whichever is leasst
70 degree method options
direct entry