HIV/AIDS Flashcards
Human immunodeficiency virus
What is HIV aids ?
The leading cause of death for 25-44 year olds
How does HIV work?
1) enters though the blood stream into T cells
2) reproduces its genetic material in helper T cells & more & more are destroyed
3) the immune system becomes weaker because the helper T’s stimulate B cells which produce the antibodies to fight infectiob
How is HIV transmitted?
Must enter a persons blood stream Found in: Blood Semen Breast milk Vaginal secretions
What are the behaviors known to transmit HIV?
Sexual intercourse
Mother to child
Sharing needles
Blood transfusions
Sexual inter course- enters? Risk? Chance?
Enters through tiny cuts in the body
Risk increases with the number of sexual partners
STD increases the chance
Sharing needles
IV Drug use
Blood transfusions
Blood supply has been tested since 1985. Still a slight chance for transmission (less than 3% of all cases)
Mother to child
Birthing process
Breast feeding
What is the 1st test for HIV?
Very sensitive can get false readings
What is the 2nd test for HIV?
Western blot
More accurate
How long does it take for the body to produce antibodies following infection?
2 weeks to 6 months
What are the symptoms of HIV?
Can take 6 months to 10-12 years for the following: Headache Fever Swollen glands White spots in mouth Reddish purple blotches on skin
What is the asymtopmaric stage?
A period of months or years during which the virus is present in the blood but there are no symptoms or signs of disease