HIV & AIDS Flashcards
AIDs Overveiw
prolonged clinical latency, ineffective immunity, & ability of the virus to infect others
often opportunistic infections
HIV epidemiology
majority in Africa
large % from homosexual intercourse, IV drug use etc
HIV transmission
Blood transfusions
Fluids containing high levels of HIV - breast milk, blood, semen
HIV Structure
2 copies of ssRNA w/ reverse transcriptase
protein capsid & surrounded w/ lipid membrane
HIV gene structure
Gag - viral capsid
Pol- enzymatic proteins
Evn- surface glycoproteins
Gag protein
HIV viral capsid protein
antibodies against p24 are commonly made during infection!
Pol Protein
P51 is the reverse transcriptase that catalyzes the reverse transcription of RNA to DNA & inserts into the host DNA = PROVIRUS
Env Protein
surface glycoproteins GP120/41
mediate viral attachment to host membrane & promote viral entry
HIV-1 replication cycle
1. viron attachment - macrophages & CD4+ t cells viral gp160 & CD4 chemokine receptor CCR5 & CXCR4 are coreceptors 2. viral fusion to host cells 3. viral entry 4. reverse transcriptase 5. provirus 6. viral synthesis 7. assembly & release
Acute HIV
2-4 weeks after primary infection flu like symptoms
viremia - 100 mil/mL in serum
dip in CD4+ cells
Latency HIV
‘low’ #s of virions (10-100 k/mL of serum)
appearance of antibodies - seroconversion
CD4+ cells fall below 200/uL
or diseases characteristic of severely immunocompromised individuals
Fungal infections associated with AIDs
cryptococcal menigitis -fatal infection of the brain
Protozoan infections associated with AIDs
Bacterial Infections seen in AIDs
M. TB- #1 cause of death of HIV infected people
enteric pathogens
Viral infections seen in AIDs
cytomegalovirus- 75% of HIV infected people are carriers
Cancer’s associated with AIDs
Kaposi’s sarcoma- most common cancer in HIV +
caused by herpesvirus 8
malignancy of blood vessels
the appearance of antibodies & occurs up to 3 months after initial infections
antibodies against gp120, gp 41, p 24
Types of Lab testing for HIV
nucleic acid testing - quantitative PCR
antigen testing - viral specific proteins
serology - antibodies to HIV
CD4:CD8 t cell enumeration - flow cytometry
Nucleic acid HIV testing
can detect a virus as early as 1 week post infection
determines viral load
Antigen Testing for HIV
p24 capsid protein is the most readily detectable HIV protein in the serum
Antibody testing for HIV
rapid test, enzyme immunoassay, immunoblot/western blot
use AFTER seroconversion
CD4+ t cell enumeration
CD4:CD8 ratio is 2:1 in healthy individual
HIV: CD4:CD8 ratio is smaller 0.5:1