Autoimmune diseases Flashcards
condition in which the body’s own antigenic structures stimulate an immune response & react with self Ag in a manner similar to the destruction of foreign Ag
MAY cause an autoimmune disorder
an immunoglobulin (IgG or IgM) produced against a self antigen
Autoimmune disorder
clinical presentation that results from the immune system attacking the body’s own tissues bc of failure to recognize self
significantly higher incidence in women
Autoimmune disorder diagnosis
relies on clinical presentation & lab testing (detecting autoantibodies)
Classifications of Autoimmune diseases
- systemic
2. organ-specific
SLE (systemic Lupus Erythematosus)
generalized dysregulation of the immune system
immune complexes travel through the body & are deposited in tissues which cause an inflammatory response
Clinical Features of SLE
20-40 yrs 9x more common in women reddening of the face renal disorder etc etc Anti-Sm (smith), speckled & homogenous ANA
Antinuclear Antibodies
group of autoantibodies directed against contents of cell nucleus
ANA lab tests
2. Fluorescent antinuclear antibody (FANA) - gold standard for ANA testing
fluorescent anti-nuclear antibody test that uses HEp-2 cells as substrates
detects different patterns which can reflect certain diseases
Homogenous ANA pattern
most common pattern
antibody against dsDNA (mitotic cells are positive)
suggestive of SLE
Speckled ANA pattern
antibody against nuclear proteins (mitotic cells are negative)
suggestive of SLE, Sjogren’s Syndrome & Sclerosis
Sjogren’s Syndrome
autoimmune disorder in which the body attacks glands that produce moisture
speckled ANA
Nucleolar ANA pattern
antibody against nucleolar RNA
suggestive of SLE & Scleroderma
Scleroderma - Systemic
‘hard skin’
90% have positive nucleolar ANA
Centromere ANA pattern
antibody against centrioles (46 dots in interphase)
suggestive of Systemic Sclerosis
Sclerosis - Systemic
connective tissue disease
fibroblasts are activated - collagen crosslinks are formed affecting all organs
ANA confirmation
- indirect fluorescent assay w/ more specific substrate (crithidia luciliae for dsDNA)
- ELISA w/ specific substrate
SLE treatment
no known cure
decrease clinical manifestation - anti-inflammatory drugs, cytotoxic drugs, avoid sunlight, renal transplant
Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)
chronic disease w/ inflammation & destruction of joints - immune complexes in joints binds complement & attracts segs & macrophages
RF antibody
75% of RA patients have the rheumatoid factor antibody (RF)
IgM against IgG - resulting in a type 3 hypersensitivity reaction
Clinical features of RA
most common rheumatic disease
30-50 yrs
2-3x more likely in women
RA diagnosis
serology : RF & ACPA
joint involvement
duration of symptoms
Anti-Citrullinated Peptide (ACP) antibodies
more reliable indicator of RA than RF test
occurs during inflammation