Hitler's Rise To Power Flashcards
When and where was Hitler born?
- Austria.
What was Hitler’s dad like?
He was a violent drunk.
What did Hitler do aged eighteen?
He ran away to Vienna.
What did Hitler hope to become?
An art student but he failed to get into art school.
What did Hitler do after not being accepted into art school?
He started to live rough, doing odd jobs, trying to survive.
What was Hitler quickly promoted to?
What happened to Hitler towards the end of WWI?
He was blinded in a British gas attack.
How did Hitler describe WWI?
The greatest of all experiences.
What did the Kaiser do at the end ofthe war?
Wilhelm fled to the Netherlands leaving a new, democratic government to try and pick up the pieces.
What happened in 1923?
Prices rose greatly, which led to unemployment doing the same. Millions of Germans went hungry. German currency became almost worthless.
Where did Hitler go after WWI?
Munich, here he became involved in politics.
When did Hitler become the keader of the Nazis?
What were Hitler’s private army called and what did they do?
Storm-troopers. They beat up and terrorised opponents.
When and how did Hitler make his first clumsy grab for power?
In 1923, he planned to march his stormtroopers into Berlin and remove the Weimar government from power. It was known as the Beer Hall Putsch because it started in a Munich bar.
When was Hitler released from prison?
What happened in 1929?
The Great Depression hit.
Why did the Great Depression aid Hitler?
While people were losing jobs, land, wealth etc, Hitler was offering easy solutions to fix their difficult problems. Hitler’s popularity grew.
When did German voters make the Nazis become the largest single party?
What happened in January 1933?
President Hindenburg asked Hitler to become Chancellor of Germany.
Why did Hindenburg make Hitlet Chancellor?
He thought Hitler might solve Germany’s economic problems. He also thought Hitler woukd be easy to control - but was very wrong.
When happened in March 1933?
The Enabling Act was passed. This let Hitler pass any laws he wanted.
What took place on the night of 30 June 1934?
The Night of the Long Knives. The SS were sent out to murder leading members of the Nazi party who opposed Hitler.
When did Hindenburg die?
2 August 1934
What was announced within an hour of Hindenburg’s death?
Hitler was not only Chancellor, but Head of State and Commander of the Army. He was now a dictator.
What groups did the Nazis try to appeal to?
Unemployed and Workers
How did the Nazis appeal to Socialists?
Promised farmers would be given their land, pensions would improve and public industries would be owned by the state.
How did the Nazis appeal to Nationalists?
They promised that all German speakers would be united in one country, the Treaty of Versailles would be abandoned and there would be special laws for foreigners.
How did the Nazis appeal to racists?
They promised Jews wouldn’t be German citizens and immigration would be put to an end.
How did the Nazis appeal to fascists?
They promised a strong central government and control of the newspapers.
How did the Nazis appeal to Businessmen, landowners, the rich and the army?
They promised remilitarisation would begin and contracts would be awarded to Germans. They also promised protection from the Communists.
How did the Nazis appeal to the unemployed and the workers?
They promised an increase in employment and wages.
Who was Minister of Propoganda?
Josef Goebbels.
Methods of campaigning the Nazis used in the 1920s:
Mass Rallies,
Hitler’s Speeches and Posters.
How could the Nazis fund their campaigns?
Funding from big businesses that supported them. Hugenburg, a newspaper tycoon and Thyssen, a steel manufacturer made the campaigns of the early 1930s possible.
What did Goebbels limit/do?
Books published without his permission,
Anti-Nazi newspapers,
Films that didn’t carry the Nazi massage,
Foreign radio stations,
Posters of them attacking enemies and saying how great they are,
Organised rallies and parades to show the strength of the Nazis.
What happened from 1936?
All German youths had to belong to Hitler Youth.
What did Hitler Youth do?
While they would go to camps, play sports, work on farms and sing, they were being trained for obedient service in the armed forces. Girls were being prepared for their roles as perfect German mothers.
What schemes did Hitler make to provide work?
Roads and buildings constructed across the country, more were given jobs in the army.
When did Hitler introduce conscription?
March 1936
German troops were sent to re-occupy Rhineland. Hitler ignored the Treaty of Versailles.
Hitler helped the Spanish dicator, Franco, win the Spanish Civil War.
March 1938
Hitler demanded Germany join with Austria. Ignoring the Treaty of Versailles, German troops enetered Austria unchallenged.
September 1938
Hitler declared he was prepared to occupy the Sudetenland, Czechoslovakia in order to protect the German speakers. Britain and France allowed this on the condition that they didn’t invade Czechoslovakia. This was known as the Munich agreement.
March 1939
Hitler ignored the Munich agreement and invaded Czechoslovakia.
September 1939
Hitler demanded Poland return the Polish corridor and the Port of Danzig to Germany. He claimed the Treaty of Versailles shouldn’t have taken them from Germany. He invaded Poland.
When did Germany invade Poland.
1 September 1939
Give them most of what they want to keep them happy.
What did Chamberlain do in September 1938?
Organised a last-minute meeting with Hitler in Munich.
What did the Munich agreement state?
Germany could have the Sudetenland if Hitler stopped demanding more territory.
When did the Nazis invade the rest of Czechoslovakia?
March 1939