Hitler Flashcards
Hitler joined the
German Workers Party
Became leader
Renamed German Workers Party
to NSDAP (National Socialist German Worker’s Party) aka Nazi pary
Aka Brownshirts
Hitler’s bodyguards
Der Fürher
The leader
Right arm salute
Held rallies and marches where Hitler spoke.
Fought street battles
March on Berlin
Aka putsch
Five years in prison Hitler
Wrote Mein Kampt
Hitlers’s aims
Tear up treaty Make Germany a greater power Empire that united all German speakers Destroy communism and socialism Remove all Jews from Germany
1928 election
NSDAP only got 12 seats in Reichstag
1930 election
Nazis won 107 seats as communism scared many Germans
Political violence became common
Hitler made speeches throughout Germany
Why people voted for Hitler
Promised to lower unemployment
Hatred of treaty
Good propaganda
Loss of faith in democracy
Dictatorship forming
Nazis took over police Brownshirts killed opponents Communism banned (reichstag fire) Gestapo formed Enabling Law 1933 Political terror increased All other parties banned and trade unions by summer '33
Secret police
Kept population under control
Enabling Law 1933
Hitler could rule by decree
End of democracy
Night of the Long Knives
Hitler had leaders of the SA killed and all his political oppoments killed along with anyone who posed a threat to his dictatorship.
Hitler made the army
Swear an oath of loyalty to him
Why Germans supported Hitler
His foreign policy was very successful and made them proud
His economic policy was also great.
Propaganda (Josef Goebbels)
Berlin Olympics used as a Nazi showcase
‘Battle for Work’ 1933
Provided work through public work schemes
Strong car industry
Who Was in charge of propaganda
Josef Goebbels
1936 Berlin Olympics
Jews not allowed compete even though Top 10 athletes were Jewish Anti-semitic posters taken down German team had over 300 athletes Won 89 medals New stadium 100,000 seats
PE emphasised
Loyalty to the Führer taught from playschool
Hist hooks rewritten to glorify Germany
Hitler Youth , League of German Maidens -indoctrinated Nazi ideas.
Problems Hitler faced
Massive unemployment (30% by 1932) Reparations and Treaty
Fixed wages- trade unions banned
Stopped paying reparations
No taxes on new cars
Investment in car industry.
Anti-semitism 1933-1939
Nazis believed themselves superior
Said Jews were enemies of Aryan race
Hitler made life hard for the Jews
Wanted them out of Germany