history of life Flashcards
lecture 13 - Mark Briffa
bubble hypothesis : how complex polymers evolve
- waves drive bubbles onto the shore
- oily (with phospho-lipids) bubbles last longer
- primative ‘membrane’ enclosing nucleotides and exposing them to UV
- organic polymers form in the protected bubbles
- some would be better ay replicating insdie the bubbles than others
( decomposing seaweed released phospholipid in the sea )
clay hypothesis: how complex polymers evolve
- clay is made of silicate crystals in solution
- cyrstals form up in a regular structure and spontaneously ‘replicate’
- organic monomers attracted to silicate cyrstals
- different patterns of silicate under ‘ selection pressure ‘
- replicating organic molecules are an exaptation
- eventually become independent of clay scaffold
the process by which features acquire functions for which they were not originally adapted or selected
extra-terrestrial hypothesis 1 : comets
- in space organic compounds are quite common
- in out solar systems volitiles ( evap. on earth ) dont evapourate as little heat from sun
- comets often encrusted with ‘tar’ like substance
- could have rained down on earth
- introduction of complex polymers
extra-terrestrial hypothesis 2 : mars
- life apperared on earth very soon after its formation
- little time for the crust to cool down
- mars is smaller than earth so it called faster and life formed here first
- bits of mars blasted off by asteroids impact and arrived on earth
- introduction of complex molecules
the first cells
( hydrothermal vents - molecules trapped in porus edge )
- replication more efficent when catalysed by enzymes
- selection would favour molecules that concentrate enzymes
- enclosure in a membrane
- phospholipids spontaneously from enclosed membranes
’ stromatolites ‘
layered sedimentary formations that are created mainly by photosynthetic microorganisms such as cyanobacteria
fossil evidence for living cells
- fossilised cyanobacteria, 3.5-2 bya
the first eukarya
large cells, nucleus, organelles, divide by mitosis
fossilised eukaryotic cells 2.2 - 1.8 bya
origin of eukarya
- eukarya evolved by symbiosis between archaea and bacteria
- an archeon engulfs a bacterial cell, which evolved into mitochondria
- mitochondrial genes closer to bacterial genes than nuclear DNA
multi - cellular life
- more than one type of cell - differentation
- some form of develpment
- a single zygote to an adult with multiple cell types
- mostly eukaryotes
- molecular clock suggest development evolved 1.5 bya
- first multicellular algae fossils 1.2 bya
large group of eukaryotes - animal and fungi kindom
(unifying feature of opisthokonts is the presence of a flagellum)
flagellate cells ( sperm or zoospores ) propelled by a single prosterior flagellum
animals ( Metazoans ) : lack ridgid cell walls, multi-cellular, tissues develop from embyonic layers
Metazoa - multicellular animals
not in fossil record until 0.7 to 0.55 bya
ediacarian fauan :
- Cnidarians ( > 9000 species - mainly marine animals )
- Worms
ediacaran fauna
unique assemblage of soft-bodied organisms preserved worldwide as fossil impressions in sandstone from the Ediacaran Period
the origin of animals
- colony of flagellate protist ( more advantagous than own - more falgellum = more speed )
- more advantageous if form hollow sphere flagellum facing out - large SA
- more advantageous when so big not all cells need to make flagella can become specialised cells ( e.g. somatic cells , reproductive cells - reproduce more efficiently )
- cells that dont need to intract with the environment - make sence keep protected . protect with little dimple - which also acts as digestive cavity
metazoan phyla
- most metazoan phyla appear suddenly (in fossil record) between 500-540 mya
molecular evidence - suggests metazoan phyla emerged much earlier than 1200 mya. ( no hard skeletons )
animal phylogeny : morphological hypothesis
morphology during development (embryonic morphology)
based on what they looklike
the history of the evolution of a species or group, especially in reference to lines of descent and relationships among broad groups of organisms.
a branch of biology that deals with the form and structure of animals and plants
animal phylogeny : molecular hypothesis
using molecular methods splitting into groups
Chordata (phylum)
(human phylum) defining features: - dorsal, hollow nerve cord - pharyngeal slits (openeing between throat and outside) - notochord - postanal tail
Cephalochordata ( lancelets )
( subphylum - chordata )
fishlike marine invertebrates
- pharyngeal gill slits
- notochord retained into adulthood
( subphylum - chordata )
marine invertebrate animal
( subphylum - chordata )
chordates with a back bone
in adults function of notochord has been taken over by flexible back bon - selective advntageous
0.04% of animal species