History of Horticulture | Lesson 1 Flashcards
hortus (garden) cultura (growing, husbandry) Growing vegetables, fruits, nuts and ornamental plants
Scientific name: Triticum aestivum L.
Originated in the Middle East 8,000 BCE?
Scientific name: Zea mays
Originated in Mexico 10,000 years ago
Scientific name: Oryza sativa
Originated in southern China, and two areas in present-day India and Bangladesh, 8-9000 years ago.
Importance of plants in the biosphere
Energy (food) flows one-way through the biosphere
Materials (like oxygen and carbon dioxide) recycle
Takes in CO2 and creates oxygen to release back into the atmosphere
Importance of plants for people
Plants create oxygen, food, wood for fires and shelter, and beautiful atmosphere for a sense of “calm”
Horticulture vs. agriculture
Agriculture refers to growing plants for food
while Horticulture refers to growing vegetables, fruits, and nuts for food as well as growing ornamental plants, and using plants in designing landscapes (for food and for landscape)
”Pome” fruit, Often applied to tree nuts and other fruits
Vegetable Horticulture
Ornamental horticulture for flowers
Ornamental horticulture for trees
Native plants in horticulture
Plants in a Landscape Should Have Ecological Function
Tallamy introduced a native landscape instead of using the “English garden” format
Horticultural Therapy
“the engagement of a person in gardening and plant-based activities, facilitated by a trained therapist, to achieve specific therapeutic treatment goals. ”