frequently referred to as
the father of nutrition.
The great French chemist Antoine Lavoisier (1743-1794)
He established the chemical basis of nutrition and stated that
life is a chemical process
The great French chemist Antoine Lavoisier (1743-1794)
- reported that nutrient constituent of animal body was provided by three
principals i.e saccharine (carbohydrates), oily (lipid) and albuminous (protein).
William Prout
Observed that pigeons on low calcium diet had poor bone development.
Chosset (19th century)
observed that Beri-Beri disease can be prevented by dietary
Takaki (19th century)
conducted first feeding experiment with single plant. All the grain and forage were from either corn or wheat plants. It stimulated the use of the purified diet method, which resulted in discovery of vitamins.
Stephen M. Babcock (1843-1931)
several vitamins, mineral, amino acids, fatty acids and their role had been discovered.
20th century
Contributed Nature of respiration, calorimeter
Antoine Lavoisier (1762)
Contributed Nature of food
William Prout (1834)
Contributed Energy metabolism
Max Rubner (1908)
Gave the name protein
Gerardus Johannes Mulder (1838)
Contributed Slaughter experiment in farm animals
Lawes and Joseph Henry Gilbert (1855)
Contributed First human respiration calorimeter
Wilbur Olin Atwater (1892)
Contributed Starch equivalent system of (1911) energy evaluation
Oscar Kellner (1851-1911)
Contributed Respiration calorimeter for farm (1921) animals
Henry Prentiss Armsby (1851-1921)
Chairman of the NRC committee on animal nutrition
Leonard A. Maynard (1942)
Contributed Use of the weight to the 0.75 power instead of surface area for energy metabolism.
Max Kleiber (1893-1976)
Contributed Mineral nutrition in livestock
Eric John Underwood (1905-1980)
Study of recycling poultry waste as feed stuffs
Anirban Bhattacharya.(1980)
Contributed Fibre estimation in feed stuffs
Peter J. Van Soest (1960)
Proximate analysis of feed stuffs
Henneberg and Stohman (1861)
Various research in animal nutrition
Indian Veterinary Research
Institute, Izatnagar, (1939)
National Dairy Research
Institute, Kamal (1952)
Marcos, Various research in animal nutrition
Nutritive value of Indian cattle
feeds and feeding of farm animals
Nutritive value of nonconventional feeds. Wet alkali treatment to straw
N.D. Kehar (1950)
Methods to estimate minerals in feeds and fodders
Sunil Kumar Talapatra (1964)
Feeding standard for various categories of livestock.
Indian Council of Agricultural
Research 1(1985)
Chairman of Committee to develop ICAR feeding standard.
K. Pradhan
Nutritient requirements for livestock
NRC (National Research
Council, USA)1942
Nutritient requirements for livestock.
ARC (Agriculture Research
Council, U.K.) 1959
Rumen microbiology
Hungate (1966)
Gave the term vitamin
Casimir Funk (1912)
The 6 Basic Classes of Nutrients:
- Water
- Carbohydrates
- Fats
- Proteins
- Vitamins
- Minerals
3 Basic Function of Feed Nutrients:
- As structural materials for building and maintaining the body structure
- As sources of energy for heat production, work, and/or fat deposition
- As regulators of body processes/activities and as constituents of body-produced
involves various chemical reactions and physiological processes, which
transform foods into body tissues and activities.
Science of nourishment of animals.
Animal Nutrition
The chemical substances found in the feed materials are necessary for the maintenance, production and health of animals
Anything that promotes growth or development.
Nutritional status.
The state of complete physical, mental and social well being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity as defined by World Health Organization.
A specialist in the problems of nutrition.
To feed an animal with substance necessary for life and growth.
Food of animals comprising any naturally occurring ingredient or
material fed to animals for the purpose of sustaining growth and development.
Feed (Feed stuff)
A regulated selection of a feed ingredient or mixture of ingredients including water, which is consumed by animals on a prescribed schedule.
Any of the feed items that a mixture is made of.
An ingredient or a combination of ingredients added to the basic feed
mixture for specific purposes like to increase feed ingestion or to alter metabolism.
A fixed amount of feed for one animal, fed for a definite period, usually for a 24 hour period.
The ration which provide an animal with the proper amount, proportion and variety of all the required nutrients to keep the animal in its form to perform best in respect of production and health.
Balanced ration
A single feed mixture, which has all of the dietary essentials except
water for a given class of livestock.
Complete ration
A mixture of the known essential dietary nutrients in a pure form that is fed to experimental animals in nutrition studies.
Purified diet
Nutritionally, to add one or more nutrients to a feed.
The essential amino acid of protein that shows the greatest percentage deficit in comparison with the amino acids contained in the same quantity of another protein selected as standard.
Limiting amino acid
The pericarp or seed coat of grain removed during processing.
Grain from which hulls have been removed.
A protein of low biological value present in maize, deficient in lysine and tryptophane amino acid.
Aerial parts with ears, with husks or heads.
Thick solid stem and aerial parts without ears, husks or heads while harvesting maize, jowar commonly the earheads is removed and the remaining dried portion can be classed as stovers i.e. jowar and maize stover.
Outer covering of beans, peas, cotton seeds.
Dry outer covering of grains
Hard outer covering of nuts e.g. groundnut shell.
After removal of corn grains.
Corn cobs
Hay is the product obtained by drying in the sun or in the shade, tender stemmed leafy plant material in such a way that they contain not more than 12-14 percent moisture.
by-product of any cereal, millet or legume crop left over after harvesting, threshing and removal of the grains or pulses.
It is the fibrous material left over in the sugar factories after extraction of all the juice from sugar cane.
It is the fibrous material left over in the sugar factories after extraction of all the juice from sugar cane.
When flour is washed to remove the starch, a tough viscid, nitrogenous
substance remains.
It is the embryo of any seed.
Feed ingredients of which the particle size is larger than flour.
A by-product of flour milling consisting of a mixture of small particles of bran and germ, the aleurone layer and coarse fibre.
The radical of the embryo of the grain removed from sprouted and
steamed whole grain. These are obtained as by-products of liquor processing.
Malt sprouts
By product of milling spring wheat consists primarily of the aleurone with small amounts of flour and fine bran particles.
Red dog:
constitutes a large number of the active principles of plants and
all possess a powerful physiological action.
A toxin rendered harmless by heat or chemical means but capable of
stimulating the formation of antibodies.
An agent, which inhibits fermentation.
A condition produced by a deficiency or lack of a vitamin in the food.
It is percentage of digestible organic matter in the dry matter of the feed. It describes the digestibility of animal feed.
Literally “in glass” pertaining to biological experiments performed in test tubes or other laboratory vessels.
In vitro
Within the living organisms pertaining to the laboratory testing of agents within living organisms.
In vivo
Liquid waste from an abattoir or slurry.
Feeding an animal by means of a stomach tube.
The gain in weight in Kg or lb, produced by one Kg or one lb of feed. It is reciprocal of the feed conversion ratio.
Feed Conversion efficiency (FCE)
The amount of feed in Kg or lb necessary to produce one Kg or one lb of weight gain.
Feed conversion ratio (FCR)
A unit of measurement used for calculating the amount of energy produced by various foods.
These are complex nitrogenous organic chemical compounds specially made up of C,H, 0, N and a large but fairly constant amount of nitrogen.
A substance is ashed to the extent that there is no black particle left, the remaining portion is called mineral or ash.
Mineral or Ash or inorganic element
Certain substances that do not contain protein but are rich in nitrogen content e.g. Urea, amides and ammonium salt.
Non-protein Nitrogenous compounds (NPN)
Poor quality feeds containing lesser amount of total digestible nutrients (TDN) or more than 35 percent cell wall constituents and more than 18 percent of crude fibre (CF).
Forage Roughage
It contains little amount (less than 18 percent) of crude fibre and more
than 60 percent total digestible nutrient.
Viable defined microorganisms in sufficient numbers, which alter the microflora of the host intestine and by that exert beneficial health effects on the host.
A semi-air tight structure designed for use in production and storage of silage