History Midterm Flashcards
Dirty War
War launched by the Argentine Junta against those with suspected left-wing sympathies (1976-1983)
Disappeared people. Victims of Dirty War. There are approximately 30,000 of them
Small group of military leaders that seized power in Argentina in 1976; led General Leopoldo Galtieri
Margaret Thatcher
British Prime Minister from 1979-1990; conservative, anti-communist, pro-Reagan. Wanted to establish a reputation for not backing down. The win in the Falklands War earned support for her
Austerity Program
Higher taxes, anti-union, fight against inflation, tried to privatize organizations, downsizing military; Margaret Thatcher’s program
South Georgia and Sandwich Islands
1979: Argentinian scrap metal dealer contracted to remove an old whaling station on South Georgia Island
1981: scrap metal dealer goes to assess the whaling station without permission from the British authorities
-the british protest: scrap metal dealers land with a group of naval personnel; shots fired and the Argentinians raise their flag
-April 2, 1982: british invade and take Georgia and sandwich islands back
Missile that is useful for attacking ships. Drops to 4ft above water then go straight. Used by the Argentinians, purchased from the French. Carried on mirage jets
Alexander Haig
US Secretary of State. Attempt to find a diplomatic solution by counseling with both Argentina and the UK. Called the war a “case study of miscalculation”
Operation Rosario
Argentinian invasion of the Falklands/Malvinas. Occurred on April 2, 1982. Occurred at night, 800 Argentinians on the island by the end of the invasion
Rio Pact
1947 treaty signed by the US and most Latin American countries, stating that the region would work together on economic and defense matters. An attack on one member is an attack on all
Organization of American States. Created by the Rio Pact
General Belgrano
Argentinian ship sunk by a british nuclear submarine
Capital of Falkland Islands
Ho Chi Minh
Leader of the Viet Minh. More political rather than military, advocated for communism but more nationalism
Viet Minh
League for the Independence of Vietnam. Formed in china in 1941 by Ho Chi Minh. Vietnamese people side with Indochina war
South Vietnam
Popular Forces/Dan Quong
Locals, part-time, maintain transportation routes, provide intelligence on enemies and neighbors, porters, harass the French, guerilla warfare
Regional Forces
Battalion size groups, guerilla hit and run tactics, full-time professional soldiers, support regular forces
Regular Force
Able to conduct large scale operations, expanded after 1949, full-time professional soldiers
Interzone system
Used by Viet Minh. Administrative zones that handled political and military matters, geographically
Vo Nguyễn Giap
Military leader of the Viet Minh. Well educated. Exploited strengths of the Viet Minh and recognized their initial inability to beat France in a decisive battle
Compulsory enlistment for state service, typically into armed forces
French Foreign Legion
Considered elite, included non-french members, professional soldiers, basically mercenaries
Vietnamese National Army
Vietnamese men conscripted from French-held territory in Vietnam. Did not necessarily want to be on this side
French Far East Expeditionary Corps
Part of french manpower. Less than half were actually from France, many were from North Africa
Soldiers trained to parachute from airplanes onto combat areas. Used by the french in the Indochina war
Gelatinous, falammable, sticky, gunk. Used by the french. Very harmful to environment
Large-caliber guns used in warfare on land
3 Phases of Viet Minh Military strategy
1) defensive 2) equilibrium 3) counter-offensive
Operation Lea
October 1947: french paratroopers drop in on Viet Minh headquarters in Viet Bac, but resupply themselves by road, which Viet Minh attack. Avoid pitched battle desired by french
SBattle of Route Colonial 4
September/October 1950: Viet Minh outpost at Dong Khe. French were harassed by small groups of Viet Minh and ran through the jungle and were slaughtered
De Lattre Line
Efforts to restrict the movement of the Viet Minh. Increase in defenses and outposts
Na San
November 1952: Viet Minh’s second pitched battle attempt. Giap attacks and is repulsed at at larger french airbase. Viet Minh learnt that they will need to prepare the battle field, etc. french learn to avoid the road system and rely on AirPower
Dien Bien Phu
March-may 1954: decisive Viet Minh victory, last major battle of indochina war. French resistance surrenders may 7
Nationalist socialist german workers’ party
Weimar Republic
“stab in the back” theory
Article 48
Claims that the president could overrule everything if state of emergency; the president could decide what a state of emergency is
Beer Hall Putsch
Failed coup by Nazi Party leader Adolf Hitler and others on November 8-9 1923
Mein Kampf
“Community of the people”: idea of a racially unified and hierarchal organized body in which the interest of individuals would be subordinate to those of the nation
“Putting everyone in the same gear”; coordination
The rebirth of a nation, purged on non-Germanic people and influences
Enabling Act
Would make hitler leader for life, needed 2/3 of the reichstag to vote, used intimidation, many Nazi political opponents barred entry from reichstag, hitler ultimately becomes chancellor for life
German Labor Front; claimed to represent the workers’ best interest and create the sense of community and co-operation desired
Sturmabteilung/brown shirts
Night of the Long Knives
Hitler, with the help of the SS, takes out political opponents by killing those apart of the SA
Communist party of germany; heavily targeted by nazis,
Socialist party of germany; only group to vote against the enabling act; never provided effective opposition
The White Rose
3 students who printed pamphlets and mail them all over the place regarding the truth of the regime
Joseph Goebbels
Reichsminister of popular enlightment and propaganda
Triumph of the Will
Living space
Joining of austrias to germany
Strength through Joy
Kraft DUtch Freude;
Hitler Youth
Nuremberg Laws
1935; two race-based laws depriving Jews of rights; (1) Reich Citizenship Law took away citizenship of all Jews (2) Protection of German blood and honor law
Night of the Broken Glass
Reichskristallnacht; 9 November 1938; Nazi organized pogroms against Jews
Wannsee Conference
Jan 1942; Specific plans by Nazi leadership to carry out the mass extermination of the Jews
Hebrew work for the Holocaust
groups of Nazis whose primary job was to rebound up and kill Jews
Karl von Donita