History Final spring 2017 Flashcards
He used parables to teach. He used miracles to show that He is God. Death/burial/resurrection. 40 days of ministry after the resurrection.
When the holy spirit is left when Jesus went up to Heaven. It allowed for the the Christians to speak in tongues all over the world so others could understand the message of Jesus Christ.
Used to kill Christians. He was then converted and became a disciple. Goes on missionary journeys and then is persecuted. Stoned/beaten/killed. He was a Roman citizen. Used Roman roads to easily get around.
Someone who dies for their faith
Battle of Milvian bridge: Dreams about the symbol that is called the Chyro and if he puts it on the shield they will win. He built a second capitol in Constantinople. Built Haggai Sophia. He gathered a bunch of Bishops and created a standard statement of Christianity called the Nicene Creed. Also created the Edict of Milan which legalized Christianity.
Edict of Milan
Made Christianity legal
Original Sin
Sin from Adam and Eve that is passed down from every generation.
St. Augustine
Bishop of Hippo. Wrote two books: Confessions and City of God. Created Just War: You had to go war for the right reason. You had to follow the rules.
Fall of Rome
The Emperor Theodosius dies and Rome spits in two. The west was larger. The east was smaller. West was difficult to defend. Had less production. More expenses. Hired barbarians to defend the West. East was smaller. Had more protection and production. More people. Rome fell in 476 A.D.
Byzantine Empire
The Eastern half of the Roman Empire. Same issues as the western half but dealt with it better. Threatened by barbarians but beat them.
Horse racing stadium.
Emperor of the Byzantine Empire. Justinian’s Code: body of Civil laws. Nika Revolt: blue and green teams threatened Justinian. Lures them into Hippodrome and kills them.
The creator of Islam. The first caliph and last prophet. Wrote the Quran
Five Pillars of Islam
Shahada - To publicly state your faith in Islam
Salat - Praying 5 times a day
Hajj - The Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca that they must make at least once in their life.
Sawm - Fasting during the time of Ramadan during the day and feasting at night
Zakat - giving money to the poor under Islamic law for charitable and religious purposes
A square stone building in the middle of the great mosque in Mecca. They must always face it when they pray from anywhere in the world.
Islamic Art and Architecture
It is disrespectful to draw portraits of Muhammad or Allah. The architecture is not specifically of a religion, or of a time, or of a place, or of a single medium like painting.
Sunni-shia split
The Sunni and Shia disagreed on who should be the next Caliph after Muhammads death. They split because of disagreements and fight to this day.
Leader of the Islamic religion and has full religious and militaristic power.
A religious donation