History, examination, diagnosis and Tx Plan Flashcards
Why is it important to take a history for denture pt? (general)
a route map to diagnosis
85% of info for the diagnosis obtained from history taking
If a pt required tooth extractions, what drug would promote bleeding?
Why is it important to take a medical history?
- protect pt and team
- whole patient care
- identify allergies and take precautions
- identify medically compromised at risk and take precautions and/or refer to specialist e.g. radiotherapy
- plan strategies by identifying those requiring investigations and/or medical support –> multi-disciplinary-team management
If a patient is medically compromised, what is a scale to use?
1&2: easily treated at GDP
3&4: referred to specialist care team
Pt undergoing radiotherapy seen by who?
multi-disciplinary-team management
general dentist
dentist in special care
What are things to recommend/Tx plan for a pt undergoing radiotherapy?
- plaque control
diet advise
high fluoride toothpaste (duraphat 5000ppm)
saliva substitute
regular review
interact with GP, oncologist, surgeon etc
What do you do if a pt undergoing radiotherapy requires dentures or is wearing dentures?
postpone giving dentures
ask them to stop wearing their dentures
What can happen to pts gums undergoing radiotherapy
mucositis - inflammation of the mucosa, the mucous membranes that line your mouth and your entire gastrointestinal tract.
What are examples of medications which can cause xerostomia?
antidepressants, anti-hypertensives
What are examples of drugs which cause gingival overgrowth?
certain antihypertensives
What are example of PC with regards to dentures?
Questions to ask for history of PC?
has the denture always been unsuccessful or has something happened
Has any adjustments been done before? If so, did it make a difference
Questions to ask:
- when did you start wearing the denture
- how any sets f dentures have you had? did you fid one better than the others?
- has the denture been worn successfully ever? - may be related to fundamental flaws in the design and construction or pat related problems
What is the significance of past dental history?
Do you need to get a balance between pt expectations and what the actual problem is?
What is the significance of the social and family history?