History Chapter 25 Flashcards
In addition to industrial jobs, what three other factors made possible the growth of large cites and made
country dwellers city dwellers?
The three reasons were mobile transportation, urban lifestyle, and the accessibility of stores closer. Country dwellers became city dwellers because more factories meant more need for labor.
What does it tell us about the era that Macy’s and Marshall Field’s stores are established at this time?
Department stores such as Macy’s and Marshall Field’s “attracted urban middle class shoppers and provided urban working class jobs, many of them for women.” (The American Pageant pg 545)
What problems were created with the increase in urban living?
Domestic animals ate scraps left over on the farm, women reused old clothes, sanitary facilities could not keep up with the pace, impure water, uncollected garbage, and unwashed bodies.
Identify three key reasons motivating people to come to America; what caused “America Fever?”
Three key reasons were because of American food imports, Europe seemed to have no room and abundant food resources. It was caused by the American letters.
Why does the author suggest the national and governments did little to help immigrants?
The governments had other stuff to worry about so immigrants were on the back burner.
How well did the new immigrants assimilate? Why?
Most immigrants did not assimilate well. The government did not help with assimilating immigrants
What non-governmental agencies responded to the wave of new immigration? What did they do to help?
Why might some of them see the immigrants as “big business indeed?”
“The business of ministering to the migrants’ needs fell to the unofficial “governments” of the urban political machines, exemplified by New York’s notorious Tammany Hall, long led by the flamboyantly corrupt William Marcy “Boss” Tweed. In return for their support at the polls, the machine boss provided jobs on the city’s payroll, found housing for new arrivals, tidied over the destitute with gifts of food and clothing, patched up minor scrapes with the law, and helped get school, parks, and hospitals built in immigrant neighborhoods.” (The American Pageant pgs 551-552) They might have thought of immigrants like that because immigrants were better workers and could start new businesses.
What were the reasons people were opposed to the new immigrants?
“Their high birth rate, common among people with a low standard of living and sufficient youth and vigor to pull up stakes, raised worries that the original Anglo-Saxon stock would soon be outbred and outvoted.” (The American Pageant pg 555)
Identify the leading social gospel advocates and social reformers of this era and what efforts they took to
reform social problems of their day.
“John D. Rockefeller was a pillar of the Baptist Church and J. Pierpont Morgan of the Episcopal Church.” (The American Pageant pg 557) James Gibbons was an urban Catholic leader and Dwight L. Moody was an evangelical urban revivalist. These people “rejected biblical literalism, urging Christians to view biblical stories as models for Christian behaviors rather than as dogma.” (The American Pageant pg 557)
What church leaders and churches sought to bring help to the cities? What direction did their efforts take?
The people that sought to bring help to the cities were Dwight L. Moody, James Gibbons, and John D. Rockefeller. They just tried to strongly push their beliefs into the church and to the people.
Who were the “liberal Protestants?” What did they stand for and what did they oppose? What group
opposed them? Who are the “accomodationists”?
“Encouraged followers to use the Bible as a moral compass rather than to believe that the Bible represented scientific or historical beliefs.” (The American Pageant pg A44) “They rejected biblical literalism, urging Christians to view biblical stories as models for Christian behavior rather than as dogma.” (The American Pageant pg 557) They opposed evangelical urban revivalists. “ Washington’s self-help approach to solving the nation’s racial problems was labeled accommodationist because it stopped short of directly challenging white supremacy.” (The American Pageant pg 559)
What two things characterized education in the late 1800’s?
Taxes supported elementary schools and there was a wide spread of high schools.
Why did W.E.B. Du Bois criticize Booker T. Washington? What did Du Bois advocate? How was his approach
to improving race relations different from Washington’s?
He was “condemning their race to manual labor and perpetual inferiority.” (The American Pageant pg 559) Du Bois “demanded complete equality for blacks, social as well as economic, and helped found the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.” (The American Pageant pg 559) Washington “argued that the talented tenth of the black community should be given full and immediate access to the mainstream of American life.” (The American Pageant pg 559)
What role did the business tycoons play in fostering education?
The role that the business tycoons played was that through philanthropists or philanthropic foundations education for students was funded.
What was “yellow journalism?” Who were its two most prominent publishers?
Yellow journalism is a scandal-mongering practice of journalism that emerged in New York during the Gilded Age out of the circulation battles between Joseph Pulitzer’s New York World and William Randolph Hearst’s New York Journal. The expression has remained a pejorative term referring to sensationalist journalism practiced with unethical, unprofessional standards.
Who were the “apostles of reform?” What were the methods they used to push reform and what were the
reforms they sought?
The apostles of reform are Godkin, George and Bellamy. Godkin wanted to reach the right ten thousand teachers so those could reach tens of millions. George wrote a book. And Bellamy published a novel.
Who were the writers of the “new morality” and what was the conventional morality they undermined?
The writers were Comstock, and Woodhull. They did not like moral ideas so they appointed themselves a defender of sexual purity.
Who were the major feminist voices of the day and what were their methods and goals?
The major voices were Stanton and Anthony. They wanted women to have the same opportunities as men. And be treated justly.
Who were the leaders and organizations of the temperance movement and what was their major success?
The leaders and organizations were the Kansas Cyclone, Frances F. Willard, and Carrie A. Nation. Their major success was when the national prohibition amendment was made.
As the chapter closes, it mentions several new forms of entertainment. What are some of these new forms
and why did they gain in popularity at this time?
Some forms of entertainment that emerged include baseball, basketball, jokes, graceful acrobats, and the circus.
Louis Sullivan:
Contributed to the further development of the skyscraper.
“New immigration”:
Immigrants from southern and eastern Europe who formed a recognizable wave of immigration from the 1880s until 1924, in contrast to the immigrants from the western Europe who had come before them.
Social gospel: Rauschenbusch; Gladden:
A reform movement led by Protestant ministers who used religious doctrine to demand better housing and living conditions for the urban poor.