History Flashcards
In the middle ages what kind of era was it and what would people thik if they got ill
it was deeply religious and people thought if they got an illness it was a divine punishment for sins
What were the extreme forms of repentents used
flagellants who were men who would whip themselves in public in repent for their sins
What were the superstitions used in the middle ages
charms such as the hares foot were used
What was the anglo-saxon cure
you would stratch the neck after the setting of the sun and silently pour the blood into running water
What was surgery like between the middle ages and the 18th century
it was very painful.No anesthetics existed
what was surgery like during 1500’s
there was a college set up for physicians which was the official teaching of surgery and they would read books by galen,you would have to have a license to practice surgery but it wouldn’t guarentee effective treatment,new treatments were found during war,explorations led to new ingredients being brought back to Britain
What was galens theory
the theory of four humors(phlegm,blood,yellow bile,black bile and that if one was inbalanced you would become ill
What was galens most inportant dicovery
that arteries carry blood
Why did the church like galen so much
Galens ideas were supported by the church because he said the human body was so perfectly constructed god had to be real
How was Galen so powerful
because the galen supported god the church followed his ways,at the time religion was a big factor so the church was very powerful(they controlled all books and education)they made galens ways be taught
Why was the church so powerful during the middle ages
the main reason was because religion was so powerful other reasons were The Church gained power by becoming the only dependable institution after the fall of the Roman Empire. People depended on the Church for shelter, food, and protection. Knights who participated in the war also needed the Church. They would request the monks to pray for them in exchange for money.They would also tax people
Who was john hunter and what did he do
he was a well known surgeon,over 12 years he was present for 2000 disections,he was an army surgeon,he developed a new view on gunshot wounds,he made a new way to treat aneurysm
What did john hunter do with his ghonnerhea experiment
he carried out an experiment to prove his belief that syphilis and gonorrhoea - infections caused by two different types of
- were caused by the same disease. To do this, Hunter deliberately infected a patient with pus from a gonorrhoea patient, but he ended up infecting them with syphilis as well. Hunter believed that the most effective treatment for the diseases was to give the patient mercury - a chemical element that is highly poisonous.
What happened with john hunters gunshot theory
he disproved that gunshot wounds poisioned the area around the wound this led him to argue that amuptation should only be carried out as a last resort
What was the problem with surgery in the middle ages
surgeries were painful and unhygenic this meant that by performing surgery the patient would likely get an infection.It was also extremely painful for the patient as no anesthetics were avaliale at the time
who invented pencillin
alexander flemming
what was the story of how he accidentally made it
he was examining a bacteria called staphylococus aureus bacteria and he went on holiday when he returned he realised he had forgot to throw it away.And he realised what had caused some of the bacteria to die and some to live
What did alexander flemming realise about the bacteria he had
as he worked on a farm he realised some of his sample had been contaminated by a fungus,which he then managed to grow himself.As an ex-soldier in world war one he had seen hundreds of soldiers die due to bacterial infection and he figured if the fungus could kill bacteria on his bench why couldn’t it kill bacteria on soldiers
What was the effect of penicillin
it saved millions of lifes during wars
Why was the nhs created
because there was an increasing public demand for a health service in 1906
What did william beviridge do
he filed a report on public health in britain which critisiced the poor health and lack of access to medical care and proposed the idea of england having a national health service
How did william beviridge propose the money for the nhs would work and what problem would this solve
people would pay via taxation and that every employed worker should pay national insurance by doing this it would fund the NHS,sick pay,pensions and unemployment pay
Why did people not like the idea of the NHs
doctors were worried they could lose business,local charities objected to the centralised control of health and others felt it wasn’t their duty to provide for other people and that they were lazy
On what date was the NHS created
5th july 1948
How did the NHS benefit society in Britain
life expectancy increased,and the number of woman dying during or after labour decreased
T or F before 1948 around 8 million people in the uk couldn’t afford to see a doctor