History Flashcards
Remnants (resti)
Deity / Deities (divinitá)
Strongly and solidly built (of a person)
Or strong enough to withstand rough work or treatment
S: robust, strong, solid, well built
Ex: It’s x construction would have made it an ideal stronghold
Sturdy (solido/robusto)
A place that has been fortified as so to protect it against attacks
S: Fortress, fort, castel, citadel
Ex: The mountain x fell to enemy attack
Stronghold (roccaforte - fortezz)
A pert or quantity that is left after the greater part has been used, removed or destroyed
S: remains, residue, rest
Ex: It’s still possible to observe the x of the city walls
A military stronghold, especially a strongly fortified town
S: fort, castel, citadel
Ex: The massive fortress was considered impregnable
2: Can be said of a person or thing not susceptible to outside influence or disturbance
Ex: He had proved himself to be a fortress of moral rectitude
Fortress (fortezza)
A small store or settlement established typically for trading in a remote place
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