Historical & Modern Examples Flashcards
- Equality as the destruction of privilege for the Bolshevik’s in 1920s
- Bolshevik’s have legitimacy from Scientific Marxism not from Democracy
What other ways can we have kegitamcy?
Cultural Mobilisation in WW1
- needed because England was unlikely to be invaded - Treaty of London meant they had to fight and protect Belgium BUT no internal motivation without propaganda framing WW1 as a moral crusade - thus why so many signed uo to join army BEFORE conscription - fighting against barbarism of Germans
780k men died??? irish war of independence - uk lost 22% of whole land in 1921, compared to Germany lost 14% in treaty of Versailles 1919
First woman elected to Parliament: Constance markovich
21st January 1919 - republican Sinn Fein Parliament first met in Dublin (including Constance markovich) - IRA appears at end of year - fight against British (22k British army in Ireland 1920)
Turkey & Armenia 1910s?
Bloody Sunday
Comparisons between Louvain 1914 and Cork 1920 - the English seen as no better than the German behaviour - although England was mainly anti-republican / nationalism - those who lost family in WW1 didn’t like that they died fir nothing if this behaviour was accepted in
Lawrence if Arabia
1930s pacifist movement
80 Irish mos which were anti-conservative - without the war perhaps the 20th century would have been less Tory dominated
American electoral system
435 seats in the house
1828 highly disputed election
House elects President
Senate elects vice-president
Bizarre system in constitution - even today u can elect vice & president from differnt parties
1796 Thomas Jefferson and John adams First really competitive election
Unicameral system? In the U.S
12th amendment revised electoral system voting - differentiated between vice and president
1860 - all states rely on people to vote for electors rather than legislators
After Roosevelt (4 terms during ww2) amendment that meant presidents could only serve 2 tersms
Middle East History
Arab Springs
British Civik War
2000s Iran