Historical Background Flashcards
What were black people regarded as in an Elizabethan society?
They stereotyped black people as lustful, savage and associated with sin.
Black characters in Elizabethan literature were usually villains.
How did Shakespeare challenge stereotypes?
He portrayed a black man as the noble protagonist and made Iago a white man the villain in the play.
What was the plot of Othello inspired by?
Un Capitano Moro story by Italian writer Cinthio.
Story was about how it was unwise for European women to marry men from other races - Shakespeare makes moral more ambiguous.
What would have an early audience have thought about white women marrying black man?
Shakespeare explores the exception that interracial marriages are unnatural in his play.
Where is Othello set?
Initially in Venice but then action moves to Cyprus which is under threat of invasion from the Turks.
At the time Shakespeare was writing what was Venice like?
Good for trading.
What was Venice known for?
Sexual tolerance.
Venetian women seem as promiscuous.