Act 3 Scene 3 Flashcards
How is this scene significant as a whole ?
At start of scene othello believes that des is faithful.
By the end he’s suggesting how to kill her.
Why is iago clever in this scene ?
He hints the idea that desdemona and Cassio are having an affair.
He also tells Cassio to ask des for his job back - he does this so they look suspicious.
How is this the turning point of the play?
As iago fully persuades othello that desdemona is cheating.
So he loses his magnificence and gives into jealousy
Why is the exits and entrances significance?
Iago is always constant.
When iago is off stage what are other characters doing?
Talking about him.
Othello says he’s a man “of exceeding honesty”
And Emilia steals the handkerchief.
Shows his control
How does desdemona persuade othello to give Cassio his job back ?
No manipulation.
She emphasises how she’s acting in othellos best interests.
Links her to being a good wife
How does iago try and persuade othello ?
Reluctant to speak making othello more curious.
He lets othello draw his own conclusions.
Making othello suspect she is guilty.
He uses leading questions.
Echos brabantios words.
Precise details
Quote - iago leading question .
“Did Michael Cassio … lnow of your love?”
Quote - iago echoes brabantios words
“She did device her farther, marrying you”
What is the central theme ?
How many times is the word honesty used in this scene?
Reinforces its significance
How is iago so successful?
Othello perceives iago as a man of “exceeding honesty”
Quote - what othello thinks about des cheating at start of play
“I think my wife be honest”
“If desdemona Be false … I’ll not believe’t’
How does othello lose his magnificence ?
Not able to restore order - heading for more disorder.
Not dominant.
Change in language
How do iago and des parallel each other in this scene ?
Iagos ascent to power directly parallels desdemonas downfall
How does othellos language change ?
From being measured and controlled.
Showing signs of deterioration.
Reflects iagos vocabulary.
Quote - othello short sentence shows how language has changed ?
“O misery!”
How is iago dominant?
Longer speeches than othello.
Othello has become fooled by iago
Quote - how does othellos language mirror iagos.
“ fair devil”
“I’ll tear her all to pieces”
“I, damn her, damn her!”
Quote - how othello sees desdemona (racist reference)
“Name that Was fresh as Dians visage is now begrimed and black as mine own face”
Physical on stage dominance?
Othello knees in front of iago, demonstrating to audience how powerful iago has become.
Othellos down fall
At the end of the chapter how do we know othello has fell directly into iagos plan??
They both kneel down and pledge their loyalty to each other in a parody of an Elizabethan wedding ceremony.
Iago Calls on the starts to “witness”
“I am your own for ever”
“I am bound to thee for ever”
What makes othello so vulnerable?
Predisposed jealousy
He is insecure.
Makes him susceptible.
It is othello who mentions his race first
What does Shakespeare describe jealousy as ?
What does iago say about jealousy?
It’s “poisons”
Which with manipulation will “burn like the mines of sulphur”
Once planted can’t remove it
what does “mines of sulphur mean “
Euphemism for hell
How do we know that iagos position imagery has infected othello?
Othello says that his heart is full of “aspics tongues”
Asp is a venomous snake.
Othellos heart is full of poison
What does handkerchief symbolise ?
Love and betrayal
When she loses it othello thinks she’s lost her Chasity
How is Emilias devotion heightened?
As she recognises that iago has asked for it “a hundred times”
Iago reveals he will put it in “cassios lodgings”
What does othello demand ?
“Ocular proof”
Women’s role in Elizabethan society.
To please men / obey them.
Emilias takes the handkerchief and says “I nothing, but to please his fantasy”
How does the audience judge othello in this scene?
Abandons his reason - he says he wants “ocular proof” of desdemonas infidelity but is easily convinced by iagos reports of cassios dream and he believed that iago saw Cassio wipe his bread with des handkerchief
What is set in stone by end of act 3 scene 3?
The plays tragic ending it’s inevitable
How does Shakespeare increase the feeling of inevitability?
Images of the sea.
Othello compares himself to an ocean current whose “compulsive course” is unstoppable.
Compares feelings to the tide, showing that love is in return at.
Quote - shows desdemonas kindness but also her downfall
“I’ll intermingle everything he does with cassios suit”
Quote - iago very first hint of Cassio and des infidelity
“Nothing my lord; or if I know not what”
“Steal away so guilty-like seeing you coming”
Quote - othello loves des . Also forebodes chaos
“I do love there; and when I love thee not, chaos is come again”
Quote - iago 2 faced.
“I think cassios an honest man”
Quote - jealousy
“O, beware, my lord of jealous. It is the green eyed monster, which doth mock the meat it feeds on”
What does handkerchief symbolise
Love and betrayal
It represents her loyalty to him when she loses it othello believes she’s lost her Chasity
Ironic bcoz he tells her to “let it alone”
Emilia and handkerchief
Loyal / devoted to husband
Deceives desdemona by giving it iago but she isn’t aware
Iagos power / control
Othello lost his nobility
Crude language
“Prime as goats as hot as monkeys” echoing iago
Othello fool
He views iagos dream as proof
No hesitation
Saw cassio “wipe his beard”
Tragic inevitability
“Some swift means of death”