Histology of UG system Flashcards
Two layers of capsule of kidney
Outer layer of fibroblasts and collagen fibres
Inner layer of myofibroblasts
What does the medulla contain
Straight tubules, collecting ducts and the vasa recta
What are medullary rays
Vertical striations that originate in the medulla
Contain staright tubules and collecting ducts
Each nephron and it’s connecting tubule form the uriniferous tubule
Two layers of Bowman’s capsule
Visceral and Parietal
Parietal consists of simple squamous epithelium
How does the proximal tubules appear
Intensely eosinophillic
Cuboidal epithelium
brush border microvilli
How do you identify distal tubules on a slide
Simple cuboidal epithelium Few microvilli (appear more straighter)
What epithelium lines collecting tubules
Simple cuboidal epithelium
Epithelium of ureters
Transional epithelium
Cuboidal when relaxed and squamous when strected
Epithelium of urethra
Epithelium varies from stratified or pseudostratified columnar to stratified squamous
Epithelium of ovary
Germinal epithelium
Surface of the ovary lined by single layer of cuboidal cells; some look almost squamous in certain areas –
Primordial follicle epithelium
Single layer of squamous cells
Epithelium of primary follicle
Cuboidal initially
Later develops into stratified epithelium
Two layers of theca folliculi
Theca interna - layers of cuboidal secretory cells
Theca externa - connective tissue cells
Characteristics of secondary follicle
Fluid containing antrum that is surrounded by cells that are 6-12 layers thick
What is the single layer of cells that surround mature oocyte
Corona radiata
3 layers of uterine tubes
Serosa – outermost layer composed of mesothelium and thin layer of connective tissue
Muscularis – inner, thick circular layer and outer, thinner longitudinal layer
Mucosa – inner lining of the uterine tube; composed of simple columnar epithelium
What is the epithelium of the portion of cervix that projects into vagina (ectocervix)
Stratified squamous epithelium
EPithelium of cervical canal (endocervix)
simple columnar epithelium
Layers of vaginal wall
Inner mucosal layer – lined with stratified squamous epithelium
Mid muscular layer – outer longitudinal and inner circular layers
Outer adventitial layer – inner dense CT containing elastic fibers and outer loose CT containing blood and lymphatic vessels and nerves
Components f testis
Tunica albuginea – thick capsule of dense CT surrounding each testis
Mediastinum testis – thickening of posterior part of tunica albuginea
Seminiferous tubules – series of long tubules in which sperm are produced and mature
Interstitial connective tissue – loose CT surrounding seminiferous tubules containing interstitial cells of Leydig
Epithelum of seminiferous tubules
Complex stratified epithelium composed of Sertoli and spermatogenic cells
Where are leydig cells located
In between SF tubules
What are intratesticular ducts lined with
Lined by simple cuboidal epithelium
What are efferent ductules
Lined with pseudostratified columnar epithelium
What is the epididymis made up of
Pseudostratified epithelium that consists of principal cells and basal cells
What is the vas deferens lined with
Pseudostratified columnar epithelium
3 layers of prostate gland
Inner mucosal layer
Intermediate submucosal layer
Peripheral layer containing main prostatic glands
What zones does the adult prostatic parenchyma consist of
Central zone – cells have prominent and slightly basophilic cytoplasm and larger nuclei
Peripheral zone – 70% of glandular tissue of the prostate
Transitional zone – contains mucosal glands
Periurethral zone – contains mucosal and submucosal glands