Histology of the Renal/Urinary Excretory System Flashcards
Artery that arises from the abdominal aorta at a right angle, immediately inferior to the SMA, dividing into 5 segmental arteries into the kidney
Renal artery
5 arteries that branch from the renal artery and feed into the interlobar arteries of the kidney
Segmental arteries
Arteries the feed from the segmental arteroes onto the renal pyramids to the border of the renal cortex and medulla
Interlobar arteries
The arteries that feed from the interlobular arteries to pass along the cortical-medullary border, parralel to the lateral convex border of the kidney, further dividing into the interlobular arteries; also give branches to the vasa recta or straight capillaries of the medullary kidney
Arcuate arteries
Arteries the run into the cortex from the arcuate arteries to form the afferent artery of the glomeruli
Interlobular arteries
Artery that SUPPLY the glomerulus
Afferent artery
Blood leaves the glomerulus through this artery, which forms with the vasa recta of the medullary microcirculation
Efferent artery
This capillary makes up the medullary microcirculation, forming directly from the arcuate arteries and from the efferent arteries from the cortex, runs parallel to the tubules of the medulla from the cortex-medulla border to the papilla and back; results in a countercurrent vascular architecture, which enables the high osmotic gradient in the medulla
Vas rectus (pl. vasa recta)
Vein that drains the vasa recta into the arcuate veins
Vena rectus (pl. venae recta)
Drains the venae recta into the interlobular vein
Arcuate vein
Drains the arcuate vein into the renal vein
Interlobular vein
Function unit of the kidney
5 subsections of the nephron
- Renal corpuscle (glomerulus)
- Proximal tubule (PT)
- Proximal convoluted tubule (PCT) or pars convoluta
- Proximal straight tubule (PST) or pars recta - Loop of Henle (LH)
- Descending thin limb (DTL)
- Ascending thin limb (ATL)
- Thick ascending limb (TAL) - Distal tubule (DT)
- Thick ascending limb (TAL)
- Macula densa
- Distal convoluted tubule (DCT) - Collecting duct (CD)
Cup-like sack at the beginning of the tubular component of a nephron in the kidney that performs the first step in the filtration of blood to form urine, enclosing a glomerulus
Bowman capsule (or glomerular capsule, or capsula glomeruli)
Type of cell that lines the PARIETAL layer of the Bowman capsule - does NOT function in filtration
Simple squamous epithelial cell
Type of cell that lines the VISCERAL layer of the Bowman capsule with its foot-like appendages called PEDICELS, just above the glomerular basement membrane and the underlying fenestrated glomerular capillaries (with filtration slits)
Tissue that consists of matrix and cells that can be intraglomerular or extraglomerular; insert with microfilaments to the glomerular basement membrane
Mesangium (mesangial cells)
Specialized, granular smooth muscle cells that synthesize, store, and secrete the enzyme RENIN in response to pressure drops detected by stretch receptors in the nearby vascular walls or when stimulated by macula densa cells; located near the glomerulus
Juxtaglomerular cells (or JG cells, or granular cells)
Closely-packed cells lining the wall of thick ascending limb of the LH to the DCT (mainly DCT); sensitive to NaCl concentration changes where:
A decrease in NaCl concentration initiates:
- decrease in resistance to blood flow in the afferent arterioles (increases glomerular hydrostatic pressure and helps GFR return to normal)
- increases renin release from hte JG cells of the afferent and efferent arterioles for rening storage
An increase in NaCl concentration initiates:
- afferent arteriole vasoconstriction
- reduced paracrine strimulation of JG cells
Macula densa cells
Renal tubule with the following characteristic:
- lining of simple cuboidal epithelium with WIDE BRUSH BORDER
- strong basolateral folds
- rich mitochondria (for Na-L-ATPase activity)
Proximal tubule
- PCT first segment to get primary urine from the glomerulus
- PST leads the urine to the first part (DTL) of the loop of Henle
Mesangial cells that are specialized pericytes or contractile cells that control/enable high glomerular filtration pressures (35-50mmHg) by maintaining contractility; also known to secrete erythropoietin and some renin
Lacis cells, or:
- Polkissen cells
- extraglomerular mesangial cells
- Goormaghtigh cells
Mesangial cells that are specialized smooth muscle myocytes or monocytes reponsible for extra structural support, filtration, and phagocytosis; they are also known to monitor glucose levels via processes sent into the capillary lumen
Intraglomerular mesangial cells
Renal tubule with the following characteristic:
- divided into 3 segments - DTL, ATL, TAL
- DTL and ATL lined by a single layer of squamous epithelium, highly permeable to water and ions via solvent drag through weakly tight junctions (zonula occludens)
- TAL lined by low cuboidal cells without brush border (impenetrable by water)
Loop of Henle
Renal tubule with the following characteristic:
- divided into 3 segments - TAL, macula densa, DCT
- lined by low cuboidal cells without brush border
Distal tubule
Renal tubule with the following characteristic:
- lined with simple cuboidal epithelium with 2 types of cells (principal cells and intercalated cells)
- without brush border
Collecting ducts
Cells of the collecting duct that are scattered in the CD epithelium and participate in acid-base homeostasis specifically via PROTON SECRETION
Type A intercalated cells
Note: defect in type A intercalated cells leads to distal renal tubular acidosis
Cells of the collecting duct that are scattered in the CD epithelium and participate in acid-base homeostasis specifically via BICARBONATE SECRETION
Type B intercalated cells
The MAJORITY of cells of the collecting duct which regulate Na and K concentrations under control of aldosterone and ADH
Principal cells
Muscular layers of the urinary bladder (tunica muscularis)
- Spiral/oblique
- Inner longitudinal
- Outer circular
(as opposed to the GIT:
- Inner circular
- Outer longitudinal)
(Note: stomach
- Inner oblique
- Middle circular
- Outer longitudinal
Adrenal gland region and secretion
- zona FASCICULATA: CORTISOL > testoserone
Lining epithelium of the prostatic urethra
Uroepithelium (or urothelium, or transitional epithelium)
Lining epithelium of the membranous urethra
Stratified OR pseudostratified columnar epithelium
Lining epithelium of the spongy urethra
Stratified OR pseudostratified columnar epithelium (EXCEPT AT THE FOSSA NAVICULARIS)
Lining epithelium at the fossa navicularis
Stratified squamous non-keratinized epithelium