Histology of the Gastrointestinal System Flashcards
Layer of the gastrointestinal tract in which MOST esophageal, gastric, and intestinal glands are seen
Lamina propria
SUBMUCOSAL glands of the esophagus and duodenum
Esophagus - deep esophageal gland
Duodenum - Brunner gland (or duodenal gland)
Metaplasia of the normal stratified squamous epithelium of the esophagus into a simple columnar epithelium due to extensive, chronic gastroesophageal reflux; HIGH RISK for adenocarcinoma
Barret esophagus
Cells found at the base of the crypt of Lieberkuhn:
- gastrointestinal epithelial cells that synthesize and secrete substantial quantities of antimicrobial peptides and proteins
- sense bacteria via the MyD88-dependent toll-like receptor (TLR) activation which then triggers antimicrobial action
Paneth cells
Another name for the intestinal gland - cells villi-covered by epithelium which houses the following cells; found along the lamina propria:
- ENTEROCYTE (water & electrolyte absorption)
- GOBLET CELL (mucin secretion)
- CUP CELL (unknown function, unique to mammals)
- TUFT or BRUSH CELLS (chemosensation)
- PANETH CELLS (anti-microbial peptides secretion)
- STEM CELLS (tissue regeneration)
Crypt of Lieberkuhn (or Lieberkuhn gland, or intestinal crypt)
Cells found at the base of the crypt of Lieberkuhn:
- undifferentiated multipotent cells of the GIT
- responsible for tissue regeneration
Stem cells
Cells found at the crypt of Lieberkuhn:
- also found along the gastrointestinal epithelium
- principally responsible for water & electrolyte absorption
Cells found at the crypt of Lieberkuhn:
- also found along the gastrointestinal epithelium
- secretes gel-forming mucin, the major component of the mucus lining of the GIT
Goblet cells
Cells found at the crypt of Lieberkuhn:
- characteristically stain to the silver stain
- encompasses a variety of cell types responsible for the synthesis and secretion of various hormones for GIT motility and secretion
Enteroendocrine cells (or argentaffin cells)
Cells found at the crypt of Lieberkuhn:
- of unknown significance/function
- unique to the GIT lining of mammals
Cup cells
Cells found at the crypt of Lieberkuhn:
- also fund in the respiratory tract
- act as chemosensory receptors
Tuft cells (or brush cells)
Specific type of enteroendocrine/argentaffin cell:
- neuroendocrine cells found in the lamina propria of the GIT; reside alongside the epithelium lining of the lumen of the digestive tract
- play a crucial role in gastrointestinal regulation, particularly intestinal motility and secretion
- modulate neuron signalling in the enteric nervous system (ENS) via the secretion of the neurotransmitter SEROTONIN (for persistalsis, gland secretion, etc.) and other peptides (HISTAMINE)
Enterochromaffin (EC) cell, or Kulchitsky cell
as opposed to the PNEC, the pulmonary neuroendocrine cells, or the Kulchitsky cells of the respiratory tract
Specific type of enteroendocrine/argentaffin cell:
- secretes the incretin known as GASTRIC INHIBITORY PEPTIDE (GIP)
- promotes triglyceride storage
K cell
Specific type of enteroendocrine/argentaffin cell:
- primarily found in the ILEUM and LARGE INTESTINE, but also in the duodenum and jejenum
- secretes the incretin known as GLUCAGON-LIKE PEPTIDE-1 (GLP-1)
L cell
Specific type of enteroendocrine/argentaffin cell:
- found in the DUODENUM and JEJENUM
- modulates bile secretion, exocrine pancreas secretion, and satiety
I cell
Specific type of enteroendocrine/argentaffin cell:
- found in the PYLORUS/ANTRUM
- secretes GASTRIN
- stimulates gastric acid secretion
G cell
Specific type of enteroendocrine/argentaffin cell:
- found in the JEJENUM
- secretes NEUROTENSIN
- controls smooth muscle contraction
N cell
Specific type of enteroendocrine/argentaffin cell:
- found in the DUODENUM and JEJENUM
- secretes SECRETIN
- stimulates exocrine pancreatic secretion
S cell
Specific type of enteroendocrine/argentaffin cell:
- found in the PYLORUS and DUODENUM
- secretes SOMATOSTATIN (also known as growth hormone-inhibiting hormone or GHIH)
- inhibits the secretion of other hormones
Delta cell (or D cell)
Specific type of enteroendocrine/argentaffin cell:
- found in the SMALL INTESTINE
- secretes MOTILIN
- modulates intestinal motility
M cell
Another name for the stomach gland - houses the following cells:
- MUCUS NECK CELLS (mucus secretion)
- CHIEF or ZYMOGENIC CELLS (pepsinogen secretion)
- PARIETAL or OXYNTIC CELLS (hydrochloric acid and intrinsic factor)
- ENTEROENDOCRINE CELLS (hormonal/serotonin secretion)
Gastric pit (or gastric gland)
Gastric pit cell responsible for mucus secretion
Mucus neck cell
Gastric pit cell responsible for pepsinogen secretion
Chief cell (or zymogenic cell)
Gastric pit cell responsible for HCL and intrinsic factor (IF) secretion
Parietal cell (or oxyntic cell)
Group of gastric pit cells responsible for hormonal secretion
Enteroendocrine cells (or argentaffin cells)
Mucus-secreting cells that internally line the stomach, also initially lining the gastric pits but eventually making way to other cell types as the lining approaches the pits internally (towards the pit base)
Foveolar cells (or surface mucous cells)
Structural specialization found in the small intestine, described as permanent transverse, circularly-arranged folds that contain a core of submucosa
Plica circularis (pl. plicae circulares) or: - valves of Kerckring
One of three separate longitudinal ribbons of smooth muscle on the outside of the ascending, transverse, descending and sigmoid colons
Taenia coli (pl. taeniae coli)
Structural specialization in the large intestine, described as a pouched fold caused by sacculation (sac formation), which gives the colon its segmented appearance due to the relative shorter length of the taeniae coli that run alongside it
Haustrum (pl. haustra)
Structural specialization of the intestinal villus, described as a penetration of microvasculature and lymphatics into the lamina propria primarily responsible for the absorption of chylomicrons
Specialized submucosal gland of the esophagus that secretes mucin (lubrication and protection from gastric acid)
(Note: most GIT glands found in lamina propria)
Deep esophageal gland
Specialized submucosal gland of the duodenum that secretes mucus-rich alkaline secretion (containing bicarbonate) in order to:
- protect the duodenum from acidic
- provide an alkaline condition to enabling absorption
- lubricate the intestinal walls
Also secretes UROGASTRONE, which inhibits parietal and chief cells of the stomach from secreting acid and their digestive enzymes
Brunner gland (or duodenal gland)
ENS plexus responsible for the control of GIT SECRETION - located in the SUBMUCOSA
Meissner plexus (or the submucosal plexus)
ENS plexus responsible for the control of GIT MOVEMENT/MOTILITY - located in the TUNICA MUSCULARIS, between the circular and longitudinal layers
Auerbach plexus (or the myenteric plexus)
Epithelial lining of the esophagus and anal canal
Stratified squamous non-keratinized epithelium
Epithelial lining of the stomach
Simple columnar epithelium
Epithelial lining of the instestines
Simple columnar epithelium with goblet cells
Lymphoid tissue of the GIT, generally more prominent in the ileum and absent in the duodenum
Peyer patches
Characteristic space between a hepatocyte and its sinusoid
Disse space (or perisinusoidal space)
Unit of the liver, described as:
- 6 portal triads with 1 central vein
- emphasizes ENDOCRINE function
Classic liver lobule
Unit of the liver, described as:
- single portal triad with 3 central veins
- emphasizes EXOCRINE function
Portal lobule
Unit of the liver, described as:
- 2 portal triads and 2 portal veins
- empasizes BLOOD FLOW and can be divided into 3 zones
Liver acinus
Liver acinus zone closest to the portal tract/triad, receiving the most oxygen
Zone 1
Liver acinus zone at the intermediate distance between the portal tract/triad and the portal vein
Zone 2
Liver acinus zone farthest from the portal tract/triad and receives the least oxygen - the most susceptible zone to ischemic injury
Zone 3
Macrophages of the liver, found lining the sinusoids
Kupffer cells
(Note: Lung - dust cell Blood - monocyte CT, lymphoid tissue,kidney - macrophage & histiocyte CNS - microglia Skin - Langerhans cell Bone - osteoclast Liver - Kupffer cell Placenta - Hofbauer cell)
Components of the portal triad/tract
- Hepatic artery
- Portal vein
- Bile duct
Drains the blood within the sinusoids of the liver
Central vein
Organelle of the hepatocyte that detoxifies drugs
Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
Organelle of the hepatocyte responsible for protein assembly
Rough endoplasmic reticulum
Pseudodiverticula or pockets in the wall of the gallbladder; outpouchings of gallbladder mucosa into the gallbladder muscle layer and subserosal tissue as a result of hyperplasia/herniation of epithelial cells through the fibromuscular layer of the gallbladder wall (adenomyomatosis)
Not considered abnormal, but can be associated with cholecystitis
Rockitansky-Aschoff sinuses (or entrapped epithelial crypts)
Simple columnar epithelial cell of the gallbladder
4 layers of the gallbladder
- MUCOSA - made up of the EPITHELIAL LAYER (innermost, lined by simple columnar cholecystocytes) and the underlying LAMINA PROPRIA (mucosal folds and loose connective tissue); distinctive presence of Rokitansky–Aschoff sinuses that may extend in to the fibromuscular layer
- FIBROMUSCULAR LAYER - longitudinal, transversem oblique, interspersed smooth muscular tissue not arranged in separate layers, responsible for contraction in bile expulsion
- PERIMUSCULAR LAYER - fibrous tissue layer of connective tissue
- TUNICA SEROSA - thick layer, covering the outer surface of the gallbladder; continuous with the peritoneum lining the abdominal cavity; contains blood vessels and lymphatics
Part of the exocrine pancreas:
LOBE of secretory cells separated by a thin fibrous barrier, surrounding and secreting into a small intercalated duct
Acinus (pl. acini)
Part of the exocrine pancreas:
Leads directly from the acinus and into the intralobular duct; THINNEST epithelium of any part of the duct system, classified with a “low” simple cuboidal epithelial lining
Intercalated duct or:
- intercalary duct
- duct of Boll
Part of the exocrine pancreas:
Found IN THE LOBULE leading directly from the intercalated duct to outside the lobule in the interlobular duct
Intralobular duct
Part of the exocrine pancreas:
Leads out of the lobules from intralobular ducts and into the main pancreatic duct, CONNECTING different lobules
Interlobular duct
Cell of the exocrine pancreas, found in the acini, secreting digestive enzymes called zymogens
Acinar cell
Cell of the exocrine pancreas, spindle-shaped, extend sinto the acini and is surrounded by the secretory acinar cells; extends from the terminal end of the intercalated duct
Centroacinar cell
Simple cuboidal epithelial cell of the exocrine pancreas
Intercalated cell
Specialized cell that resides in the exocrine pancreas that play a role in pancreatic tissue regeneration/repair, as well as pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer by secreting ECM components
Pancreatic stellate cell (PaSC)
Regions of endocrine pancreas that consists of 1-2% of the pancreatic volume and about 10-15% of its total circulation
Islets of Langerhans (or pancreatic islets)
Endocrine/islet cells of the pancreas:
- secretes GLUCAGON
- 20% of the islet
Alpha cell
Endocrine/islet cells of the pancreas:
- secretes INSULIN and AMYLIN
- 70% of the islet
Beta cell
Endocrine/islet cells of the pancreas:
- < 10% of the islet
Delta cell
Endocrine/islet cells of the pancreas:
- < 5% of the islet
PP cell (or gamma cell)
Endocrine/islet cells of the pancreas:
- secretes GHRELIN
- < 1% of the islet
Episilon cell