Histology - Neural Tissue Flashcards
Identify the Green and Red Arrows

Green Arrow = Nerve Endings
Red Arrow = Spinal Ganglia
What are glial Cells?
Support cells that are found throughout the nervous system
Identify the purple and orange arrows

Purple Arrows = Axons and Long Dendrites
Orange Arrows = Neuronal Cell Bodies
What are the two major regions of the spinal
Gray Matter = Neuronal Cell Bodies
White Matter = Axons and long dendrites
What are multipolar neurons?
Neurons with an axon and several dendrites
e.g. Motor Neurons of the peripheral nervous system
Identify the structures indicated by the arrows

Neuronal Cell Bodies
Identify the structures indicated by the green and red arrows.

Green Arrows = Multipolar Motorneuron Cell Bodies
Red Arrows = Oligodendrocytes, Non-Neuronal Cells (Smaller round nuclei)
Identify the structures indicated by the green, black, yellow, and red arrows
Also Identify Nissl Bodies

Green Arrows = Dendrites
Black Arrow = Delimitation of the Nucleus
Yellow Arrow = Nucleolus of a Nueron (abdunant euchromatin)
Red Arrows = Glial Cells
Nissl Bodies are the puple flaky weblike parts which also
comprise dendrites
What is a perikaryon?
Cytoplasm of neuronal cell body
What are Nissl substances/Nissl bodies
Clusters of rough endoplasmic reticulum in the cytoplasm of neurons.
Identify the structures indicated by the arrows and the outlined regions

Arrow = Axon
Outlined Region = Hillux of the Axon
Important = Axons Lack Nissl Substance (Dendrites
contain Nissl Substance)
What does this image depict?
Identify Structures A through D

Cell body of a motor neuron
A = Nissl Substance
B = Euchromatic Nucleus
C = Nucleolus
D = Capillary

Identify structures indicated by A and B

A = Mitochondria
B = Nissl Bodies

Identify the Areas indicated by the blue box

White matter of the spinal cord (oriented cranial caudally) contains mylenated axons and some dendrites and is sending information up and down the spinal cord.
What time of staining was used?
Identify the structure indicated by the yellow arrow and the pale region surrounding the structure indicated by the yellow arrow.

Section was labeled with a silver stain
Yellow Arrow = Axon
Pale Region = Myelin
Identify the structures indicated by/between the yellow arrows.

Identify the outlined regions

Outlined Regions = Locations where nerves can be found
Important = Neuronal Cell Bodies are NOT found in nerves
During embryogenesis schwann cells initially surround several axons with their cytoplasm and plasma membrane
Smaller caliber axons remain enseathed
What happens to large axons after embryogenesis?
Schwann cell selects a single axon to support and wraps its cytoplasm and plasma membrane around the axon several times. When the cytoplasm is squeezed out the remaining layer of shcwann cell membrane is called myelin
A region of axon that is wrapped with several Schwann cells
A single axon is myelinated by several schwann cells
Nodes of Ranvier
Regions of bare axon not surrounded by myelin
Identify the structures indicated by the letter A and the purple, red, and green arrows and the areas outlined in blue.
A = Schwann Cell Cytoplasm
Red Arrows = Gaps in the Schwann Cells which show they wrap around axons
Purple Arrows = Schwann cell plasma membrane and it’s external Lamina
Green Arrows = Two plasma membrans of axon and schwann cell
Blue Outline = Collagen (Reticular) Fibers
Identify the structures indicated by the arrows

Blue Arrow = External Lamina
Purple Arrow = Many membrane layers of a single Schwann Cell
Yellow Arrow = Axonal Membrane
Red Arrow = Microtubules
Green Arrow = Neurofilaments (Intermediate Filaments)
Identify the stain used and the structure indicated by the arrow.

Osmium tetroxide which labels myelin membrane
Arrow indicates nodes of ranvier
Identify the view in the top portion of the image as
compared to the bottom portion.
Identify the structures indicated by the blue arrow as compared to the green arrows

Top portion is cross-sectional view of the axon
Bottom portion = longitudinal view of the axon
Green Arrow = Axon
Blue Arrow = Edge of Myelin
Identify the structures indicated by the blue outlines

Rodes of Ranvier
Identify the structure outlined in green
Identify the structures indicated by the black arrows

Peripheral Nerves (Numerous Nuclei and Wavy appearance and Elasticity)
A loose connective tissue between axons
A cellular layer that bundles many axons into structures called fasicles
Has some characteristic features of epithelium including occluden junctions
A dense connective tissue often conatining adipose that bundles fasicles together
Identify the Black Arrows, Green Brackets, Middle Region

Middle Region = Endoneurium
Black Arrows = Perineurium
Green Arrows = Epineurium
Identify the green and black arrows

Green Arrows = Endoneurium
Black Arrows = Perineurium
Upper Right/Left corners = Epineruium
Identify Black Arrows, Green outline, and location of the endoneurium

Green Outline = Peripheral Nerve
Black Arrow = Perineurium
Endoneurium is area within the outlined region
What comprises ganglia?
They consist of clusters of cell bodies, together with supporting cells that are contained within a connective tissue capsule
Identify the structures indicated by the black arrows and the blue arrows.

Black Arrows = Neuronal Cell Bodies
Blue Arrows = Connective tissue capsule
Identify the structures indicated by the black, green, and blue arrows.
Black Arrows = Mark edge of one nucleus
Blue Arrows = Prominent Nucleolus
Green Arrows = Satellite Cells
Identify the structures indicated by the black, green, and blue arrows.
Black Arrow = Nuclear Membrane
Blue Arrow = Nucleolus
Green Arrow = Satellite Cells
Identify the structures indicated by the black, green, and blue arrows.

Black Arrow = Nuclear Membrane
Blue Arrow = Nucleolus
Green Arrow = Satellite Cells
Identify the structure indicated between the two green arrows

Parasympathetic ganglium
The perineurium is at the tips of the arrows.
Identify the indicated structures
What characteristic of this neuron reflect its high synthetic activity?

A = Dendrite
B = Axon
Abundant nissl substance and euchoromatic chromatin
Identify the outlined region

Identify the structure on this slide

Identify the structure on this slide

Unilocular Adipose Tissue
Identify the structure indicated by the arrows.

Identify the structures indicated by the letters and between arrow heads

A = Schwann Cells or Maybe Fibroblasts
B = Node of Ranvier
C = Axon
Between Arrow heads = Myelin Membrane
Identify structures indicated by A through D

A. Schwann Cell Nucleus
B. Schwann Cell Cytoplasm
C. Myelinated Axon
D. Unmyelinated Axon
Identify the structures indicated by the arrows

Non-Keratinized Stratified Squamous
Identify the structures indicated by the red, orange, green arrows

Red Arrows = Nucleolus
Orange Arrow = Glial Cell Nucleus
Green Arrow = Nissl Substance
Identifty the structures indicated by the arrows

Orange arrows = Nodes of Ranvier
Red Arrow = Broken Nerve
Identify the structure outlined in green

Peripheral Nerve
Identify the Structures indicated by the arrows

Yellow Arrow = Axon
Blue Arrow = Myelin
Identify the area outlined in yellow

Yellow Outline = Ganglion
Red Arrow = Neuron
Identify the structures indicated by the red and yellow X’s

Red X = Axon
Yellow X = Schwann Cell
Identify the structures indicated by the arrows

Red Arrow = Satellite Cells
Orange Arrows = Nuclear Membrane
Black Arrow = Axon or Dendrite
Identify structures indicated by the arrows.

Blue Arrow = Nucleus
Pink Arrow = Dendrite or Axon (Can’t discern)
Blue Arrow = Either Axon or dendrite
Identify the outlined region

Identify structures indicated by the arrows/outline

Identify the structures form numbers 1-7

- Nucleus of Schwann cell
- Schwann cell cytoplasm
- (cytoplasm of another Schwann cell)
- Golgi
- Axons or dendrites
- External lamina
- Collagen
Identify the structures indicated by the arrows/outlines

Yellow Arrow = Schwann Cells
Green Arrow = Ganglion
Orange Arrow = Neuron
Identify the structures indicated by the arrows/outlines

Red Arrow = Axon
Black Arrow = Axon
Green Arrow = Perineurium
Red Outline = Epineurium
Blue Outline = Endoneurium
Identify the structures indicated by the arrows/outlines

Green Outline = Peripheral Nerve
Red Arrow = Most likely Schwann Cell Nuclei
Black Arrow = Perineurium
Identify the structures indicated by the outline

Multilocular Adipose Tissue
Identify the structures indicated by the arrows

Yellow Arrow = Axon
Brown Arrow = Myelin
Identify the structures indicated by the outlines
Black Outline = Peripheral Nerve
Yellow Outline = Dense Irregular Connective Tissue
Identify Tissue Section

Identify the structures indicated by the arrows/outlines
Black Arrow = Neuron
Red Outline = Ganglion
Green Outline = Loose Connective Tissue
Green Arrows = Most Likely Schwann Cells