Bone Marrow and Thymus Flashcards
A = adipose
M = megakaryocyte ( produces platelets)
Ey = erythrocytes
E = developing eosinophils
BN = developing neutrophils
Blue Arrow = Capsule
Yellow Arrows = Trabeculae
Yello/Green Outline = Lobules
Also Identify the T Lymphocytes
Black Arrow = Epithelial Reticular Cells
Yellow Outline = Hassall’s Corpuscles
Identify the Black Arrows
Hassall’s Corpuscles
Corpuscles undergo keratinization to have less cellularity
Diffuse Lymphoid Tissue
Primary Nodule (Aka Follicule)
Peyers Patches (Large Nodules)
Top Right = Tonsillar Crypts
Bottom Right = Lymphatic Nodules
Both Left Boxes = Lumen of the Oral Cavity
Black Arrows = Non-Keratinized Stratified Squamous Epithelium
Yellow Arrows = Tonsilar Crypts
Green Arrows = Septa
Yellow Arrows = Tonsilar Crypt
Green Arrows = Septa
Rare Primary Nodules (Unstimulated Lymphocytes)
(Everything else is a secondary nodule =Stimulated Lymphocytes which are darker because they are
closer together)
Identify the black outline, the yellow outline, and the paler central region.
Black Outline = Secondary Nodule
Yellow Outline = Corona
Pale Region = Germinal Center