Histology - Liver, Pancreas, Gallbladder Flashcards
List some of the functions of the liver
- oxidise triglycerides
- synthesise plasma proteins and lipoproteins
- synthesize cholesterol
- convert carbs and proteins into fatty acids and triglycerides
- regulates blood glucose (glycogenesis, glycogenolysis, gluconeogenesis)
- detox metabolic waste
- detox drugs and toxins
- store vitamins and iron
- synthesise and secrete bile
What vessels are present in the portal triad?
- hepatic portal vein
- hepatic artery
- bile duct (common hepatic duct combined with cystic bile duct)
describe the capsule that surrounds the liver
Mesothelium (simple squamous epithelium) --> Collagenous connective tissue --> Liver parenchyma
Describe the lobules of the liver
- Roughly hexagonal in shape
- Centrilobular vein (terminal hepatic vein)
- Portal triads
Describe the portal triads (portal tract) that surround the lobules of the liver
Composed of:
- bile duct
- portal vein
- hepatic artery
- lymphatic vessel
- branch of the vagus nerve
They are supported by collagenous connective tissue
Describe the flow deoxygenated blood through a liver lobule
hepatic portal vein (branch) and hepatic artery --> hepatic sinusoids --> centrilobular vein
Are there distinct connective tissue septa between the liver lobules?
No, but the septa do exist
Describe the lining of a bile ductule
Lined by cholangiocytes
simple cuboidal epithelium
Describe hepatocytes
Epithelial cells
Produce primary bile
Have microvilli:
- project into the perisinusoidal space
- project into the bile canaliculi
Join to form plates of cells, leaving sinusoids between them
Describe a hepatic sinusoid
the space between the plates of hepatocytes
Lined by endothelial cells (as the hepatocytes plates have an endothelial lining)
Supplied by a mix of blood from the hepatic artery and hepatic portal vein
What is a hepatic acinus?
a functional subunit of the liver
an alternate functional rather than structural view (classic hepatic lobule)
Describe the lining of the plates of hepatocytes
The hepatocytes plates are lined by a fenestrated endothelium
They are separated by a thin gap called the the space of Disse (perisinusoidal space)
The microvilli of the hepatocytes project into the perisinusoidal space
Describe the perisinusoidal space (space of Disse)
gap between the hepatocytes and their endothelial lining
the hepatocytic microvilli project into it
Has hepatic stellate cells
Describe the significance of the fenestrated nature of the hepatocytic endothelium
The liquid component of the blood can reach the hepatocytes
But the blood cells can’t as they are too large to fit through the fenestrations
Describe hepatic stellate cells
Modified fibroblasts
- make connective tissue
- store vitamin A within fat droplets in their cytoplasms
found in the perisinusoidal space
(in cirrhosis they turn into myofibroblasts and produce scar tissue instead)