Histology Flashcards
What are the two main functions of the ovaries?
Production of gametes (oogenesis)
Production of steroids (oestrogens and progesterones)
What is contained in the medulla of the ovary?
What is contained in the cortex of the ovary?
What is the outer shell of the cortex known as?
This outer shell is covered by the germinal epithelium - what does this consist of?
Connective tissue, blood vessels, lymphatics
Follicles within connective tissue
Tunica albuginea
Single layer of cuboidal cells
What is oogenesis?
What is folliculogenesis?
What does the follicle consist of?
Development of oocytes (from oogonia)
Development of the follicle
The oocyte and support cells
What are oogonia?
When are oogonia formed?
How are they formed?
In the late foetal period, oogonia go on to form oocytes, how?
Immature female reproductive cells
Week 6 of development
Germ cells from the yolk sac invade the ovaries and proliferate by mitosis
Division via meiosis
Before birth, meiosis begins in the ovaries, but halts at what phase?
The number of germ cells present in both ovaries peaks when?
Loss of oogonia and oocytes is by an apoptosis based process termed what?
Prophase I
7 months (in utero)
Primordial follicles can be found where?
What are these made up of?
The pregranulosa cells at this stage are what type?
In the foetal ovaries
The primary oocyte, and the follicle (pregranulosa) cells
Primary follicles are defined by which type of granulosa cells?
What structure do these granulosa cells make up?
Once the oocyte has enlarged in the primary follicle, what begins to form between the oocyte and granulosa cells?
The zona granulosa
The zona pellucida
With further development in the primary follicle, the granulosa cell layer proliferates to form what two layers?
As the follicle enlarges, what begins to form?
This leads to the formation of what type of follicle?
Theca interna and externa
A space called the antrum, filled with follicular fluid
Secondary follicle
A secondary follicle develops into what, the largest type of antral follicle?
One day before ovulation, the oocyte in the largest of the above folluclles will complete what stage of meiosis?
What will this produce?
A mature Graafian follicl
Meiosis 1 (i.e. first division)
The secondary oocyte, and a polar body which carries the second nucleus away to degenerate
Following its formation, the secondary oocyte begins which phase of meiosis?
At what phase of meiosis will it stop?
It will only complete meiosis (i.e. secondary division) to become a fully mature oocyte after what has happened?
It begins the second division stage of meiosis
Metaphase II
After it has been released (ovulation) and fertilised by a sperm
After ovulation, the follicle transforms into what?
At this point, the theca and granulosa cells are secreting what, and why?
If implantation occurs, the placenta then secretes what to prevent degeneration of this structure?
If no implantation occurs, what does the follicle then become?
Corpus luteum
Oestrogen and progesterone, to help prepare the uterus for implantation
Beta hCG
Corpus albicans
In which part of the uterine tubes is the mucosa highly folded and lined by simple columnar epithelium with ciliated and secretory cells, surrounded by smooth muscle?
In which part of the uterine tubes is there epithelium which is much simpler, with only a few ciliated cells?
If implantation occurs, which part of the uterine tube moves so that it can catch the ovum when it ruptures out of the follicle?
Fertilisation usually occurs where?
It is transported to where for implantation?
The uterine body
The uterine wall is made up of an inner secretory mucosa known as what?
This is divided further into two parts - what are they are what are their functions?
The endometrium
Stratum Functionalis - undergoes monthly growth, degeneration and loss
Stratum Basalis - a reserve, which regulates the functionalis
On the outside of the endometrium there is a coat of 3 layers of smooth muscle combined with collagen and elastic tissue. This is known as what?
On the outside of the previous structure, there is an outer visceral covering of loose connective tissye covered by mesothelium. This is known as what?
When does the proliferative phase take place?
What is happening during this phase?
What hormone regulates this phase?
From after menstruation, to around 1 day after ovulation
Everything is growing, glands and stroma
What happens during the secretory phase?
What happens during the menstrual phase?
Glands become coiled and secrete glycogen
Arterioles in the stratum functionalis undergo constriction, depriving the tissue of blood, causing tissue sloughing
This structure is made up mostly of fibrous connective tissue, covered by what on its outside and what on its inside?
The mucus secreting epithelium forms what?
What happens if the outlets of these glands are blocked?
Outside - stratified squamous epithelium
Inside - simple columnar epithelium (mucus secreting)
Endocervical glands
Form a Nabothian cyst
What are the four layers from outer to inner?
Non-keratinised stratified squamous epithelium
Lamina propria
Fibromuscular layer
The labia majora is an extension of the mons pubis - it is rich in which glands?
The labia majora has hair follicles where, but not where?
The labia minora contain no hair follicles, but are rich in what?
Apocrine sweat glands and sebaceous glands
Hair follicles on the outer surface but not the inner surface
Vasculature and sebaceous glands
Keratinised epithelium of the labia minora extends into the opening of the vagina up to the level of what structure, where the squamous epithelium becomes non-keratinised?
What are the layers of the clitoris?
Two tubes of erectile vascular tissue (corpus cavernosa), covered by a fibrocollagenous sheath, covered by skin