Histo/path Flashcards
band neutrophils
aplastic anemia- look at the big fat gaps
lead Pb toxicity
nuclear-cytoplasmic dyssynchrony as seen in megaloblastic anemia
toxic granulation.
Dohle bodies as seen in may hegglin anomaly
Pelger-Huet as seen in MDS
left shift in WBC- increase in immature granulocytic forms
leukemoid reaction- marked leukocytosis with immature granulocytes
Bite cells as seen in G6PD
Heinz bodies-G6PD deficiency
Bite cell- see in G6PD due to the removal of Heinz bodies bodies by macrophages in the spleen
iron deficiency- note the profound central pallor of the hypochromic and microcytic RBC
Howell-jolly bodies- seen in sickle cell anemia with a functional hyposplenia
Peripheral smear from a patient with SC disease is shown. Note the presence of target cells, polychromatophilic