Histamine 1st generation Flashcards
net effect of histamine in the CNS
increased wakefulness, alertness and reaction time
histamine antagonist in the CNS
histamine that distributes to the CNS leads to drowsiness and functional impairment
first generation vs second generation histamine and the CNS
first generation- extensive distribution to the CNS
second generation-much less distribution to the CNS
histamine vascular effects
histamine is a direct vasodilator
can lead to edema due to increased vascular permeability
can also manifest urticaria to certain patients
histamine and cardiac effects
minimal but H1- slows AV node conduction in large amounts can lead to dysrhythmias
H2 increase heart rate and cardiac output
histamine and anaphylaxis
histamine contributes to large blood pressure falls-called histamine shock
steps of histamine shock
1) small blood vessels dilate
2) large amount of blood trapped
3) plasma leaks into circulation
4) blood volume diminished
5) reduction in venous return
6) reduced cardiac output and reduced tissue perfusion
anithistamines and anaphylaxis
considered a useful but optional adjunct and not a life saving therapy
even with urticaria these are used for symptom relief
histamine and respiratory
histamine relseased from mast cells act on H1R
- smooth musk constriction
- bronchospasm
- mucosal edema/secretion
histamine and HEENT
promotes many symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis, allergic rhinitis
- increased nasal mucus production
- increased neutrophil and eosinophil chemotaxis
histamine and GI
in the GI histamine stimulation of the H2 receptors increases secretion of gastric acids from parietal cells
- in large amounts histamine may stimulate smooth msk contractions and cause diarrhea
1st generation H1R antagonists
diphenhydramine, dimenhydrinate, meclizine, doxylamine, chlorpheniramine.
2nd generationH1R antagonists
loratadine, cetirizine, fexofenadine
Important 1st gen H1RAs with additional unique pharmacology or roles
cyproheptadine, hydroxyzine, doxepin, promethazine.
therapeutic uses of H1R antagonists
allergic rhinitis- can manage symptoms but much more effective at preventing taken before exposure
MOA of H1R antagonists
H1R are not actually antagonists they are inverse agonists
because of their ability to down-regulate the H1 receptor activity
-they shift the equilibrium from an active form of the H1 receptor to an inactive form