Hip Muscles Flashcards
Primary Hip Flexors
Tensor Fascia Latae
Rectus Femoris
Adductor Longus
Primary Hip Adductors
Adductor Longus
Adductor Brevis
Adductor Magnus
Primary Hip Extensors
Gluteus maximus
Biceps femoris (long head)
Adductor magnus
Primary Hip Abductors
Gluteus medius
Gluteus minimus
Tensor Fascia Latae
Primary Hip External Rotators
Gluteus maximus
Obturator internus
Gemellus Superior
Gemellus Inferior
Quadratus femoris
Hip Flexion Close Chain (Pelvis on Femur) Muscle Function
Anterior Pelvic Tilt -> results in increased lumbar lordosis
(increased compressive load & anterior shear at lumbosacral junction L5-S1)
Hip Flexion Open Chain (Femur on Pelvis) Muscle Function
Often coupled with knee flexion
Hip Flexors produce strong contraction & abdominal muscles have to work to keep pelvis stable
Hip Flexion Muscles
Iliopsoas (contracts bilaterally)
Tensor Fascia Latae
Rectus femoris
Adductor Longus
Hip Extension Muscles
Glute Max
Adductor magnus (posterior head)
*All Adductors can extend hip when its flexed more than 70 degrees
Hip Extension Close Chain (Pelvis on Femur) Muscle Function
-Posterior Pelvic Tilt
-Forward Lean (reduces moment arm of glute max but increases moment arm of hamstrings)
Increases passive tension of hamstrings if knees are straight
Hip Extension Open Chain (Femur on Pelvis) Muscle Function
-Required to produce large/powerful hip extension torque to accelerate body forward/upward
-Interdependence (if large contraction in flexors, hip extensors must match & exceed that torque)
Hip Adductor Muscle Function
-Huge moment arms
-Large physiological cross-sectional area
-Work during Sagittal Plane when outside of 40-70 degree hip flexion arc
Hip Abduction Muscle Function
-Glute med (60%), Glute min (20%), TFL (10%)
-Gait & single leg stance
-Hip Abduction Force is 2x bodyweight to maintain a stable pelvis
Hip Internal Rotators Muscle Function
-Only secondary IRs :Glute min, glute med, TFL, adductor longus, adductor brevis, pectineus, medial hamstrings
-Most important for stance phase of gait
-IR is much stronger w/ 90 degrees of flexion
Hip External Rotators Muscle Function
-Glute Max, “short external rotators”, Sartorius
-Most evident during pelvis on femur movements (close chain) on leg w/ planted foot & pelvis rotates away from planted limb
What stretch can target the hip’s external rotators?
What therapeutic exercise can target the hip extensor muscles in Open-chain position?
Single-leg squat, pistol squat
What therapeutic exercise can target the hip extensor muscles in Closed-chain position?
Single-leg deadlift
What therapeutic exercise can target the hip flexor muscles in Open-chain position?
Ab exercises -> V ups, 6 inch hold, etc.
If you want to get a better stretch in hamstrings, what can you instruct patient to do with their hips?
Eliminate the posterior pelvic tilt and flex at the hip a little
Single-Leg Stance hip abduction
HAF 2x bodyweight
JRF 2.5x bodyweight