Hip mm Flashcards
Glute max o/i
O: Post iliac crest, dorsal sacrum, coccyx, sarcotuberous lig
I: glutei tuberosity and blends into IT band via greater trochanter
glute max action?
hip extensor
assists ex rotation and stabilization
glute med o/i
O: ex ilium between ant/post glute line
I: lat surface of greater trochanter
glute med action
abduct and med rotates hip
can keep pelvis level while weight bearing on one leg
glute min o/i
O: ex iliac between ant/inf glute lines
I: ant surface of greater trochanter
glute min action
abducts and med rotates hip
can keep pelvis level while weight bearing on one leg
TFL o/i
O: ASIS and ant iliac crest
I: IT band to lat tibial condyle
TFL action?
abduct and med rotates hip
can keep pelvis level while weight bearing on one leg
piriformis o/i
O: ant surface of sacrum and sacrotuberous lig
I: sup border of greater trochanter
piriformis action?
lat rotates and extends thigh
abducts flexed thigh
steadies femoral head in acetabulum
iliopsoas o/i
psoas major:
O: TVP’s/bodies/IVDs of T12-L5
I: Lesser trochanter
O: sup 2/3 of iliac fossa, ala of sacrum and ant SI lig
I: lesser trochanter
Iliopsoas action
lat flexes vertebral column
flexes hip
sartorius o/i
I: Pes anserine tendo of prox med shaft of tibia
sartorius action?
flexes hip
flexes knee
abduct and ex rotates hip
QL o/i
O: 12th rib and L/S TVPs
I: iliolumbar lig and int lip of iliac crest
QL action
extend and lat flex vertebral colum
ipsilateral flexion of trunk
biceps femoris o/i
LH: ischial tuberosity
SH: lat lip of liner aspera
I: head of fibula
biceps femoris action
extends hip
flexes knee
can rotate lat when knee is flexed
semimembranosus o/i
O: ischial tuberosity
I: post aspect of med condyle of tibia
semimbranosus action
extends hip
flexes knee
can rotate hip med when knee flexed
semitendinous o/i
O: ischial tuberosity
I: pes anserinus
semitendinosus action
extends hip
flexes need
can med rotate hip when knee flexed
rectus femoris o/i
O: ant inf iliac spine, ilium surface of acetabulum
I: Tibial tuberosity
rectus femoris action
flexes hip
extends knee
adductor longus o/i
O: body of pubis inf to pubis crest
I: middle 1/3 lineament aspera
adductor longus action
adduct hip
adductor brevis o/i
AH: inf Ramus of pubis and ischium
HH: ischial tuberosity
AH: gluteal tuberosity, linea aspera, med supracondylar line
HH: adductor tubercle
adductor brevis action
adduct hip
AH: flexes hip
HH: extends hip
adductor Magnus o/i
O: body and inf rams of pubis
I: pectineal line and prox part of lineament aspera
adductor Magnus action
adducts hip
also does slight flexion