Hip luxation Flashcards
What are the primary and secondary stabilizers of the hip joint?
Primary: ligament of the head of the femur, joint capsule, dorsal acetabular rim.
Secondary: Acetabular labrum (transverse ligament ventrally), hydrostatic pressure, periarticular muscles (gluteals, iliopsoas, quadratus femoris, gemelli, internal and external obturator).
How many of the primary stabilizers of the hip need to be disrupted for luxation to occur?
Two (out of 3)
True or false. In immature dogs fractures of the capital physis are less likely to occur than hip luxation?
What percentage of hip luxations are craniodorsal?
What is the function of the gluteal muscles on the hip joint?
Extension of the hip joint, with internal rotation and abduction of the femur
How do patients with craniodorsal hip luxation typically hold the affected pelvic limb?
External rotation and adduction
Within what timeframe should coxofemoral luxation ideally be treated?
72 hours
When should immediate open reduction of hip luxation be considered?
Acetabular or femoral head fractures, reluxation after closed reduction, concurrent injuries that require immediate return of hip joint function, chronic luxation requiring assessment of the joint cartilage
Reluxation of the hip occurs in what percentage of patients following closed reduction?
What is the function of the Ehmer sling?
Internal rotation and adduction of the femur, flexion of the hip joint.
What is the reported rate of reluxation rate following Ehmer sling application alone after closed reduction?
15 - 71%
What is the success rate of closed reduction of ventral hip luxations without the use of hobbles?
Aside from use of an Ehmer sling and hobbles, what other augmentation techniques are available following hip coxofemoral reduction?
Ischioilial pinning, ESF, transarticular pinning
What is the complication rate of ischioilial pinning for maintenance of closed hip reduction?
32% (contact with sciatic nerve in 75% of cases when the pin is inserted in the center of the ischium). These include; pin migration, reluxation, sciatic nerve injury, damage to the femoral head, joint sepsis.
What is the success rate of ischioilial pinning in preventing hip reluxation?