Hip (chap 20) Flashcards
Patellofemoral impairment
Weak hip abductors cause higher valgus moments
- women more than men
ACL strain
Valgus collapse and decreased hip extensor more common in women than men
Distal portion more lateral
Distal portion more medial
Piriformis syndrome
Hip extensor and abductor weakness resulting in hip adduction and internal rotation (valgus collapse) during funcitonal activities
- piriformis overuse
- possible cause of sciative nerve compression
- strengthen glute max and med
Shortened TFL and/or glute max
TFL and 1/3 of glute max insert into IT band, affecting its tension.
- anterior pelvic tilt, slouched posture, flat back posture
- overuse trochanteric bursitis and friction syndrome in knee
Dominance of TFL over glute med
Weak glute med = increased tension on IT band and valgus collapse of knee during weight bearing w/ hip and knee flex and increased dynamic Q angle.
- lateral knee pain (IT band syndrome)
- patellofemoral pain syndrome
Dominance of two-joint hip flexor mm over the iliopsoas
Dominance of TFL, rectus femoris, and/or sartorius mm may contribute to faulty hip mechanics or knee pain fro overuse of mm as they cross the knee
Dominance of hamstring mm over glute max
Faulty posture and decreased functional activation of the glute max may decrease the flexibility of this mm and limit ROM
- excessive lumbar flexion may result when full ROM of hip flexion attempted
- increased IT band tension
- overuse of hammies results in cramping during high intensity, decreased flexibility, and mm imbalances with quads
Use of lateral trunk mm for hip abductors
Relying on lateral trunk mm to perform the task of controlling the pelvis normally accomplished by the hip abductors results in excessive trunk motion and increased stress on the lumbar spine
Increase in torsion of femoral neck that causes the shaft of the femur to be rotated medially
- results in genu valgum and pes planus
- unilateral results in shorter leg
Decrease in the torsion that causes the shaft of the femur to be rotated laterally