hip anatomy Flashcards
also known as os coxa. composed of ilium, ischium, pubis
hip bone
largest of the three bones. forms 2/5 of the acetabulum
forms posterior 2/5 of the acetabulum
smallest of the three bones. anterior 1/5 of the acetabulum
iliac crest
ischial spine
ischial tuberosity
ischial ramus
superior pubic ramus
pubic tubercle
inferior pubic ramus
formed by fusion of ilium, ischium, and pubis
orientation of acetabulum
laterally, inferiorly, and anteriorly
acetabulum is reinforced superiorly and posteriorly by
cortical bone
periphery is thickened by fibrocartilage
acetabulum rim or labrum
strongest and longest bone in the body
proximal end of femur consists of
head, neck, greater and lesser tubercle
orientation of head of femur
angled anteriorly, superiorly, medially
2/3 of femoral head is covered with articular cartilage except
fovea capitis
designed to withstand high loads
primary and secondary compressive pattern, primary and secondary tensile pattern
trabecular bone
point of weakness in the trabecular pattern; common site of osteoporotic fractures
ward’s triangle
largest and most important hip extensor and external rotator
Gluteus maximus
envelops the muscles of the thigh
Tensor Fascia Latae (TFL)
Injection upper outer quadrant, might paralyze patient if in any other spot, as it might hit the sciatic nerve
lurching gait
Gluteus maximus
Counteracts the backward pull of the gluteus maximus on the ITB
Extends knee
Tensor Fascia Latae (TFL)
critical for balancing the pelvis during single leg stance
Gluteus medius
AKA deltoid of the hip
Gluteus medius
During single leg stance
3x bodyweight transmitted to the hip (2/3 generated by hip abductor mechanism)
2 functional parts of Gluteus Medius
Anterior - flex, abduct, IR
Posterior - extend and ER
stand on one leg, and other hip dips down
Trendelenburg’s Test
major internal rotator of the femur
Gluteus minimus
Abducts thigh
Pelvic support during single leg stance
Gluteus minimus
external rotator at <60 degrees of hip flexion
Piriformis during 90 deg hip flexion
internal rotator and abductor
Piriformis is closely associated with this nerve
Sciatic nerve
common source of buttocks and leg pain
Sciatic nerve
Other short external rotators
Obturator internus
Gemelli (Superior and Inferior)
Quadratus femoris
Most powerful hip flexor, weak adductor and external rotator
Also a trunk flexor
iliacus and psoas major muscle
longest muscle in the body (sailor’s)
adductor, flexor and IR of the hip
hip flexor, abductor and ER
some degree of knee flexion
most commonly strained hamstring muscle
Biceps Femoris
Division of Biceps Femoris
long head and short head
only this head of the biceps femoris acts on the head
long head
Other hamstring muscles
Semitendinosus (part of Pes anserine)
extend the hip together with posterior adductor magnus and gluteus maximus
All hamstring muscles (except for short head of BF)
Hip Adductors
Adductor magnus
Adductor Longus
Adductor brevis
most powerful
active in all motions except abduction
Adductor magnus
considered functionally as a hamstring due to its anatomic alignment
Posterior portion of Adductor Magnus
most prominent adductor during resisted adduction
Adductor longus
most commonly strained adductor muscle
Rider’s muscle
Adductor longus
longest of the hip adductors
most superficial and medial
A sac filled structure that prevents friction of a soft tissue to the bone
largest and most constant bursa around the hip
Iliopsoas bursa
Characteristics of Iliopsoas bursa
situated deep to the iliopsoas tendon
serves to cushion the tendon from structures on the anterior aspect of the hip joint capsule
3 bursae ( 2 major, 1 minor bursa)
Trochanteric bursa
at the superoposterior tip of GT, prevents friction between gluteus medius and GT and also between gluteus medius and minimus
Subgluteus medius bursa
between GT and gluteus maximus and TFL muscles
Subgluteus maximus bursa
between ischium and gluteus maximus muscle
Ischiogluteal bursa
AKA weaver’s bottom
Ischial bursitis
Anterior Compartment of Thigh
Quadriceps femoris
- Rectus femoris
-Vastus lateralis, medialis,
Medial compartment of thigh
adductor longus
adductor brevis
adductor magnus
obturator externus
Posterior components of thigh
Biceps femoris
adductor magnus (hamstring portion)
Neck-shaft angle
125 degrees
Angle of inclination
Femoral anteversion
15 degrees
Blood supply to the femoral head
Lateral circumflex (anterior), medial circumflex (posterior), and obturator artery
most important blood supply to femoral head
medial circumflex (posterior)
arise from the medial circumflex artery (main, main supply of head)
Retinacular arteries
from the obturator artery or medial femoral circumflex artery
Artery of the ligamentum teres