Hip Flashcards
Hip ROM: Flexion (Knee extended:Knee flexed)
90 deg. 120-135 deg
Hip ROM: Extension
15-30 deg
Hip ROM: Abduction (knee extended)
45-50 deg
Hip ROM: Adduction (Knee extended)
20-30 deg
Hip ROM: Internal rotation
30-40 deg
Hip ROM: External rotation
40-60 deg
Hip/Knee Major Muscles: Hip Flexor (4)
- Iliopsoas M.
- Sartorius M. (also externally rotates)
- Rectus Femoris M. (also knee extensor)
- Tensor Fascia lata/ IT band
Hip/Knee Major Muscles: External rotator (6)
- Sartorius M. (also Hip Flexor)
- Gluteus Maximus M. (also Hip Extensor)
- Piriformis (also abduction with hip flexed)
- Obturator externus & internus
- Sup/Inf gemellus
- Quadratus Femoris
Hip/Knee Major Muscles: Knee Extensor (2)
- Rectus Femoris M. (Also hip flexor)
2. Vastus medialis/intermedius/lateralis M.
Hip/Knee Major Muscles: Hip Adductors (1)
- Adductor longus/brevis/Magnus M.
Hip/Knee Major Muscles: Hip Abductor (3)
- Gluteus Medius/minimus M (also medial rotator)
- Tensor Fascia lata/IT band (also Medial rotator and hip flexor)
- Piriformis with hip flexed (also External rotator)
Hip/Knee Major Muscles: Hip Extensor (4)
- Gluteus Maximus (also external rotator)
- Biceps femoris M. (also knee flexor)
- Semitendinosus M. (also knee flexor)
- Semimembranosus M. (also knee flexor)
Fascia Lata/IT band release: What are the two possible positions of the patient?
Prone and Lateral Recumbent
Fascia Lata/IT band release: When patient is prone where is the physician?
On opposite side of IT band to be treated
Fascia Lata/IT band release: When patient is prone what hand contacts the lateral thigh?
The cephalad hand
-The caudad hand is used to flex the knee to 90 degrees
Fascia Lata/IT band release: Patient prone, what does the caudad hand do?
Caudad hand flexes knee to 90 and pushes the foot and lower leg out laterally which would… internally rotate the hip
Fascia Lata/IT band release: Patient prone, what does the cephalad hand do?
Contacts the lateral thigh and applies a posterio-medial force
Fascia Lata/IT band release: Patient LR, where is the doc?
Staring into your face!!!
Fascia Lata/IT band release: Where does the doctor place cephalad hand?
on the posterior aspect of iliac crest to stabilize
Fascia Lata/IT band release: LR. Caudad hand?
Caudaddy makes a fist on distal lateral thigh over IT Band exerting pressure.
Fascia Lata/IT band release: LR Cuadad pressure movement…
…towards the greater trochanter and then proximal to distal. Rinse and repeat!
ME Hip Flexion Dysfunction: What position(s) can the patient be in?
Prone or supine
ME Hip Flexion Dysfunction: Supine: where is the patient?
At the edge of the table
ME Hip Flexion Dysfunction: Supine: What does the doctor do/
Stabilize oppo ASIS
Let leg drop of table
Extend hip into barrier
Have patient push hip up into ceiling (flex) against resistance
ME Hip Flexion Dysfunction: Prone: Where does the doctor stabilize
Ipsilateral ischial tuberosity