Ankle/Foot -OSCE 10 Flashcards
Point out these bones on your foot
- Talus
- Calcaneus
- Navicular
- Cuboid
- Cuneiforms (1-3)
- Metatarsophalangeal joints
- Base of the 5th metatarsal
- Phalanges
- Medial Malleolus (Tibia)
- Lateral Malleolus (fibula)
Bones of Medial Longitudinal Arch?
- Calcaneus
- Talus
- Navicular
- Cuneiforms 1-3
- Metatarsal 1-3 (higher arch)
Bones of Lateral Longitudinal Arch?
- Calcaneus
- Talus
- Cuboid
- 4th and 5th metatarsal bones (lower arch)
Bones of Transverse tarsal arch?
- Navicular
- Cuboid
- Cuneiforms 1-3
- Proximal Metatarsals
Bones of Metatarsal Arch
- Metatarsal Heads
Ligaments: High ankle sprain
- Interosseous membrane
- Ant. Inf. tibiofibular ligament
- Test = Squeeze Test
Ligaments: Ankle Sprain
- Anterior talofibular L.
Dat shit allllllwayz tears first #weak
Ligaments: Involved in inversion
- Calcaneofibular Ligament
2. Talar Tilt Test
Ligaments: Eversion
- Deltoid L.
2. Talar tilt test
Ligaments: Achilles Tendon Evaluation
- Thompson test
Ankle Dysfunction: Anterior Tibia on Talus: Motions?
Freedom: Ankle prefers dorsiflexion and anterior glide
Restriction: Tibia restricted to post glide on talus
Due to distal tibia mechanics
Ankle Dysfunction: Post tibia on talus
Freedom: ankle prefers plantar flexion and post glide
Restriction: Tibia restricted in gliding anteriorly on talus
Due to distal tibia mechanics changes
Ankle Dysfunction: Ant. Lateral Malleolus
Freedom: Lateral malleolus has free ant. glide relative to distal tibia
Restriction: Lat Malleolus restricted to post glide
Distal Medial border of talus is more prominent
Ankle Dysfunction: Post lat malleolus
Freedom: Lat mall moves post relative to distal tibia
Restriction: Lat can’t move ant.
-Ant portion of Lat mall displaced laterally
Foot Dysfunction: Dorsiflexed Talus dysfunction
Dorsi ROM? Motions?
- ROM = 15-20
- Freedom: Talus likes dorsiflex
Restriction: Plantarflex
Talus mechanics to blame
Foot Dysfunction: Plantarflexed talus dysfunction
Plantar ROM? Motions?
- ROM = 50-65
- Freedom = plantar
Restriction = Dorsi
Talus mechanics problem
Foot Dysfunction: Inversion calcaneus dysfunction
Expected Inversion ROM? Motions/Test?
- 5 deg
- Test: Grasp calcaneus in 1 hand, lock out talus motion w/other. Note deg of moteion
- Freedom: Inversion
Restriction Eversion
Subtalar Problem
Foot Dysfunction: Eversion calcaneus dysfuntion
Expected Eversion ROM? Motions/Tests?
- 5 deg
- Freedom: Eversion
restriction: Inversion
Subtalar problem
Foot Dysfunction: Plantar Navicular dysfunction
What happens to navicular bone?
- Most common dysfunction (plantar) of Navicular bone
2. Lateral Navicular drops plantar
Foot Dysfunction: Plantar Navicular dysfunction
How to test? Motions?
- Lock out calcaneus w/one hand
- Grasp Navicular btw thumb and forefinger (glide dorsally and ventrally)
- Freedom: Plantar
Restriction: Dorsal
Foot Dysfunction: Plantar Cuboid dysfunction
What happens to Cuboid
- Medial Cuboid drops plantar
2. Most common dysfunction (plantar) of cuboid
Foot Dysfunction: Plantar Cuboid dysfunction
Test? Motion?
- Lockout calcaneous
- Grasp Cuboid and move up and down
- Freedom: Plantar
Restriction Dorsi
Foot Dysfunction: Plantar Cuboid dysfunction
Often associated with…?
Posterior Fibular head dysfunction
Foot Dysfunction: Plantar Cuneiform dysfunction
- Most common Cuneiform problem
- Grasp and lockout at navicular then move cuneiforms up and down noting restrictions
- Freedom: plantar glide
Restriction to Dorsi glide
Foot Dysfunction: Metatarsal dysfunction
What causes problem?
Change in Metatarsal Head mechanics
Foot Dysfunction: Metatarsal dysfunction
Grasp adjacent metatarsal heads and glide plantar and dorsal relative to one another noting ease/restriction
ROM: Dorsiflexion
ROM: Plantarflexion
ROM: Ankle inversion (no lock)
ROM: Ankle eversion (no lock)
ROM: Subtalar inversion (talus lock)
ROM: Subtalar eversion (talus lock)
ROM: Forefoot ADduction
ROM: Forefoot ABduction
ROM: 1st Metatarsophalangeal flexion
ROM: 1st Metatarsophalangeal extension
ME Dorsiflexed Talus:
Patient position?
ME Dorsiflexed Talus:
How doe doc set uPPPPP?
- Grab ankle at level of Malleoli
- Other hand over dorsum of foot
- Plantar flex that shit
ME Dorsiflexed Talus:
Patient force?
Dorsiflexion force (15-20 deg)
ME provides what type of resistance?
ISOmetric (like a lonely european)
ME when do we stop??
When no new barriers are met. (there are always barriers in live mannn never quit)
ME Plantarflexed Talus:
Patient position
Supine so fine