Elbow, Wrist, Hand Just how we planned. 12 Flashcards
Carrying angle-normal?
Carrying angle-normal?
Carrying angle-small?
Carrying Angle-Large
> 15 = Cubitus Valgus
Where is the ulnar N?
Between medial epicondyle and Olecranon
Elbow ROM:
Elbow ROM:
0 to -5
Elbow Radial head glide:
Anterior glide with?
Supination of the forearm
Elbow Radial head glide:
Post glide with?
The P’s stay together!
MFR-Interosseous release:
Pt position?
Seated or Supine
MFR-Interosseous release:
Doc does?
- Palpate affected arm above interosseous membrane
- Note texture, pain and asymmetry with thumbs on pt’s anterior forearm and fingers encircling forearm.
- Palpate R/L, Clock/Cclock, cephalad/caudad
- MFR techniques.
ME Post Radial Head-Pronation dysfunction:
Pt position?
- Seated
2. Doc flexes elbow into full supination (restrictve barrier)
ME Ant. Radial Head-Supination dysfunction:
Doc setup?
Doc takes flexed elbow into full pronation (restrictive barrier)
ME Ant. Radial Head-Supination dysfunction:
Doc setup?
Doc takes flexed elbow into full pronation (restrictive barrier)
Carrying angle-small?
less than 5 =Cubitus Varus
-GUNSTOCK deformity
Carrying Angle-Large
> 15 = Cubitus Valgus
Where is the ulnar N?
Between medial epicondyle and Olecranon
Elbow ROM:
HVLA AB/ADduction Ulnar dysfunctions:
Where is landmark for AB/ADduction?
at the wrist
Elbow Radial head glide:
Anterior glide with?
Supination of the forearm
Elbow Radial head glide:
Post glide with?
The P’s stay together!
MFR-Interosseous release:
Pt position?
Seated or Supine
MFR-Interosseous release:
Doc does?
- Palpate affected arm above interosseous membrane
- Note texture, pain and asymmetry with thumbs on pt’s anterior forearm and fingers encircling forearm.
- Palpate R/L, Clock/Cclock, cephalad/caudad
- MFR techniques.
ME Post Radial Head-Pronation dysfunction:
Pt position?
- Seated
2. Doc flexes elbow into full supination (restrictve barrier)
ME Post Radial Head-Pronation dysfunction:
Where is patient’s force?
Pt attempts to pronate isometrically against doc
-ME principles followed
ME Ant. Radial Head-Supination dysfunction:
Doc setup?
Doc takes flexed elbow into full pronation (restrictive barrier)
ME Ant. Radial Head-Supination dysfunction:
Pt force?
Pt attempts to supinate isometrically.
Radial head can’t move post. (remember P’s go together)
HVLA AB/ADduction Ulnar dysfunctions:
Patient position?
Supinate and fully extend elbow
HVLA AB/ADduction Ulnar dysfunctions:
Doc setup?
- Grasp elbow on either side of olecranon w/one hand
- Other hand grasps radius/ulnar
- Asses dysfunction barriers and apply corrective thrust into barrier.
Wrist and Hand:
Wrist extension with?
Ventral carpal glide
HVLA AB/ADduction Ulnar dysfunctions:
Restriction to ABduction
ADduction dysfunction
Requires Valgus force for Tx
HVLA AB/ADduction Ulnar dysfunctions:
Where is landmark for AB/ADduction?
at the wrist