Hinduism Flashcards
What is a Puja Table?
A Hindu worship table
What is Samsara?
The cycle of rebirth and death
What is The Aum?
The Aum is the symbol for the god (Brahman). Hindus believe he is everywhere, Ben present since creation and worshiped in many different forms
What is a Caste System?
A Caste System is a division of social status
What is a Brahmas?
A Brahman is an intellectual who performs religious ceremonies
What is a Kshatriya?
A Kshatriya is a person who traditionally had the power
What is a Vaishyas?
A Vaishyas is an ordinary person who farms, trades and produces a living out of it
What is a Shudras?
A Shudras is a person who traditionally served the higher clases and did jobs others didn’t want to do
What is Brahmacharya?
Brahmacharya is the first stage in a Hindu’s life when you have your education
What is Grihastha?
Grihastha is the second stage in a Hindu’s life when he takes responsibility and becomes a family man
What is Vanaprastha?
Vanaprastha is the third stage in a Hindu’s life when he becomes a grandfather and lives in a hut in the forest to pray (his wife is allowed to come with him)
What is Sannyasa?
Sannyasa is when a man is totally devoted to Hinduism and has no attachments
What is a soul?
The essence of one’s being, often described as immortal
What is Ahimsa?
Ahimsa is the act of being kind and respectful towards people and nature
Who is Gandhi?
Ghandi is a famous and influential Hindu
What is a Murti?
A Murti is an image of a god or goddess
What is a Mandir?
A Mandir is a temple at which Hinduism is practiced
What is the Bhagavad Gita?
The Bhavagad Gita is a scripture containing 700 verses
What is the Atman?
The Atman is the essence of ones being/a soul
What is Moksha?
Moksha is the act of release from Samsara
What is Dharma?
Dharma is religious teachings
What is Karma?
Karma is the consequence of ones actions
What is Incarnation?
Incarnation is the act of transfer into a deity, spirit or quality
What is Reincarnation?
Reincarnation is the action of a soul taking up a new body
What is an Avatar?
An Avatar is a god in male form
What is a Shakti?
A Shakti is a god in female form
What is the Ashramas?
The Ashramas is the set of stages a Hindu has to go through throughout their life
What is Apartheid?
Apartheid is the South African law for the division of race
Who is Brahman?
Brahman is the Hindu god (he can be worshipped in many different forms)