High Rise Flashcards
What is mushrooming?
When the smoke rising upwards from the fire floor reaches the roof / ceiling level and begins migrating downward back towards the fire floor.
The natural movement of air within a relatively tightly-sealed building due to the temperature difference between the air on the inside and out is known as ______ ?
What happens with the smoke?
Stack effect
Hot air is less dense than cold air and tends to rise through stairways, elevator shafts and utility chases. Smoke will rise until the temperatures balance at which point it begins to settle.
_______ results in the movement of air in a vertical shaft , due to the outside temperature being higher than that of outside.
Reverse Stack effect
When fighting a vehicle fire in a below grade parking garage in a high rise what are three options that personnel should consider?
- Deploy a hoseline directly from the engine to the vehicle fire. Command must be notified and the FDC still supplied.
- Charge the FDC and operate off the riser on the fire floor.
- In a below grade garage, charge the FDC and operate the hoseline off the riser on the fire floor. Use a combination of PPV and the garage ventilation system to keep the attack stairwell clear of smoke.
What is the initial assignment for a high-rise fire?
5 engines 2 trucks 1 rescue squad 1 EMS Unit 2 Battalion Chiefs 1 Command Aide 1 EMS Supervisor
What are the responsibilities of the 1st due engine on a high rise?
Park in proximity to building without blocking access for other apparatus
View as much of the structure as possible. Take note of fire / smoke location, number of floors conditions evident and person in distress
Determine the number of floors
Take note of wind direction and strength
Bring Rapid Entry Keys and retrieve building keys in fire control room or other designated location.
Abandon Rig - all personnel proceed to the lobby to continue size up. Ascertain as much information as possible (this section further elaborated on a separate card)
Report any evacuation that has commenced to IC along with the status of the HVAC system and elevators
Officer and Crew report to fire floor
Under the responsibilities of the 1st due engine on a high rise fire, what steps are noted as part of Abandoning the rig?
Check the annunciator panel to determine what has activated: manual pull station, heat, smoke, or duct detector or more than one device
If building maintenance or security is present, determine whether they have been on the reported fire floor(s) or any of the floors immediately above and below.
In a commercial high-rise check the building directory located in the lobby for the occupancy type on the floors involved. A copy of the floor lay out should be available in the fire control room and should be review quickly before proceeding up.
Recall all elevators.
Determine the elevator and stairwell that is used to proceed to the fire floor and confirm the doors from the stairwell to the floors above are unlocked.
What units should proceed together to the fire floor of a high rise?
The first due engine, first due truck and rescue squad
When using the elevator on a high rise, where should crews exit and proceed to use the stairwell?
If fire is on the 6th story or below, personnel should walk otherwise they should stop 2 floors below and walk from there.
What is the maximum number of crews that can be in the elevator together?
What are the responsibilities of the 2nd due engine on a high-rise fire?
Establish a water supply
Report to the fire floor to assist the first due engine in placing a hoseline in service
Prepare to deploy a second handline, depending on fire conditions
What are the responsibilities of the 3rd due engine on a high-rise fire?
Establish water supply to the secondary FDC if present. If none present the crew abandon’s the rig and driver goes in with crew
View the opposite side of the structure from where the first due engine positioned. Take note of fire / smoke location, number of floors, conditions evident, and persons in distress via radio
Proceed to floor above the fire to work with the second truck company in checking for extension and for occupants.
What are the responsibilities of the 4th due engine?
Park away from the building
The entire crew proceeds to the attack stairwell one floor below as the RIT. If the fire is below grade, the RIT shall position outside the IDLH however in close proximity to the fire floor. This may be one floor above the fire floor but not below the fire floor.
What are the responsibilities of the 5th due engine?
Report the command post to confer with IC then report to the lobby area to assume lobby control
Where should the first due truck position on a high - rise?
Side Alpha unless the fire can be readily identified in which case the truck should park on the fire side of the building if it is accessible.
Every alarm past the first alarm brings at minimum what to the call?
At least 3 engines, 1 truck, 1 battalion chief
What is the difference between staging and base?
Base is the area where incoming fire apparatus and other vehicles park
Staging is the area for assembling resources close to the operations on the fire floor, ideally two floors below the fire floor.
What are the responsibilities of the 1st due truck?
Determine and communicate the location of the fire. If the location of the fire is not readily apparent on that floor, the truck should advance to determine the location while the engine prepares the line to be stretched.
Forcibly entry on the fire unit
Initiating primary search in the fire unit
Coordinating the evacuation of the fleeing occupants
Removing obstructions hindering fire attack and hose line deployment
What are the search priorities for a residential high rise?
Fire Unit
Exit Hallways
Adjacent Units and unit(s) across the hall from the involved units
What are the search priorities for a non residential high rise?
The immediate fire area and floor
The floor above the fire area
The top floor including the hallways, stairwells and elevators leading to these areas
Floors between the floor above the fire and top floor
What are the responsibilities of the second due truck?
View as much of the structure as possible. Take note of fire / smoke location, number of floors conditions evident, and persons in distress
Assess the need for elevated master stream
Take note of wind direction and strength
Bring rapid entry keys and retrieve building keys in the fire control room or other designated location
If not yet identified, the officer should ensure that a stairwell has been identified as the evacuation stairwell and that it is clear of smoke
Communicate any previously unreported conditions
Obtain a set of building keys (if possible) and proceed to the floor above the fire for forcible entry, search and evacuation.
What are the responsibilities of the rescue squad and what floor do they operate on?
They operate on the fire floor
Deployment of a tagline from the attack stairwell
Forcible entry on the adjacent units for primary search and possible alternative fire attack options
Coordinating the evacuation of occupants
Assessment of fire extension into the adjacent units
Depending on the number and type of hand lines deployed, personnel may assist in the movement and operations of hose lines. If they are to do this, command must be notified
Who becomes the base officer until command assigns a command level officer to the position?
The driver of the 6th due engine