Heterotrophic protist and fungi Flashcards
descriptive term rather than taxonomic
Single celled, (eukaryotic) ubiquitous (everywhere)
autotroph vs heterotroph
Autotrophs are able to make their own food from raw materials and energy. Examples- plants, algae, types of bacteria. Heterotrophs consume producers or other consumers. Dogs, birds, fish, and humans are all examples of heterotrophs
Pseudopods- movable extensions of cytoplasm used for locomotion and gathering food.
They are PHAGOCYTIC- they engulf food particles and form a FOOD VACUOLE surrounded by a membrane. Then they secrete enzymes into the food vacuole for INTERCELLULAR DIGESTION.
has at least one flagellum
most primitive PROTOZOANS
Parasitic or free-living (Free-living nematodes feed on organisms in their environment. Parasitic types feed off of a host and some also live within the host.)
Caused -Trypanosoma- sleeping sickness
-causes malaria (illness), rupture of red blood cells, cycles of fever, and Physarum stream along the damp forest floor in a mass of brightly colored protoplasm called “Plasmodium” in which individual cells are indistinguishable.
Phylum Rhizopoda
Heterophic (eukrayotic fam)
protozoan amoeboid protists
capture prey
naked and testate amoebae
Phylum Foraminfera
Heterotropic (Eukrayotic fam)
amoeboid protists (protist) single cell protein
(looks like snails, seashells) live in open ocean
they secrete a tiny shell (or ‘test’) usually between about a half and one millimetre long.
naked and testate amoebae
Phylum Kinetoplastea
(zoomastiagaphora) Many of the uniflagellated kinetoplastea are parasitic
Trypanosoma causes Chagas Disease, also known as african sleeping sickness.
Phylum Ciliophora (cilliates)
Very diverse group, over 8000 species.
Most cilliates have a MICRONUCLEUS AND MACRONUCLEUS (a coating of cilia on their cell surfaces and two types of nuclei within single cells)
vorticella vs stentor
Vorticella- one ring of body
stentor- looks like trumpet
Phylum Apicomplexa
Typically non-motile and parasitic
Plasmodium is the most common,causes malaria
Plasmodium life cycle
Zygote- Only 2n stage
3 stages-Gametocytes, Sporozoites and Merozoites.
The male gametocytes called microgametocytes and female gametocytes called macrogametocytes are transmitted through an anopheles mosquito during a blood meal.
Slime molds (plasmodial)
Not true molds!
* Phagocytic, lack hyphae, no chitin in cell wall
* Coenocytic—cells indistinguishable, appear
eats anything that gets in its path, devouring mulch and decaying matter. (cleans up our woodlands)
single cells but in autumn they come together
eats his prey white slime molds
when all food is gone they effort in mass reproduction
slime molds tiny cells are scattered and then ready to spring into action when warm weather returns or cold.
Kingdom Fungi
Fungi are multicellular heterotrophs that receive their food by absorbing the molecules around them. Fungi are not plants; they do not contain chlorophyll and therefore are neither green in colour, nor producers.
– Parasites, flagellum
* Zygomycota
– Bread molds
* Ascomycota
– Yeasts, molds,
* Basidiomycota
– All mushrooms