Herbs That Tonify Qi And Blood Flashcards
What do all herbs have in common that tonify qi?
Lungs and Spleen and sometimes heart and generates fluids 3 sources of qi: original qi, gu qi (eat it), Zhong qi (breath it) Neutral Sweet Rich and cloying so take with herbs to move qi so it doesn’t stick Warm - watch heat signs Qi deficiency means cold since qi is more yang and would be more warm Lungs; pale, breathless, lungs responsible for exterior so pores sweating, getting sick Spleen: fatigue, lethargy, weakness, diarrhea, bloating, sinking qi can cause prolapse/hemmorhoids Dampness and fluid accumulates HEART qi: palpitations and anxiety
Ren Shen Ginseng
LU SP HEART Original qi - when collapsed is rescue Generates body fluids
Dang Shen Codenopsis
Double dosage than Ren Shen, Less costly but same as Ren Shen Ginseng
Huang Qi Astragalus
Lung and spleen Good for regeneration of flesh - diabetic sores Promotes urination to treat edema Good for wei qi
Bai zhu Atractylodes
Tonifies qi CALMS FETUS Promotes urination Formulas: si jun zi tang 4 Gents, and you ping Feng San jade windscreen
Da Zao Dates
Spleen Food therapy HEART BLOOD TO CALM SHEN Harmonizes others if can’t use gan cao Formulas: gan mai da Zao tang : heart emotional disturbances
Tai Zi Shen Pseudostellaria
Tonifies and generates body fluids
Zhi Gan Cao and Gan Cao Licorice
Lung Spleen Heart Stops coughing Relieves cramping Harmonizes other herbs Clears HEAT TOXICITY Formulas: zhi gan cao tang for heart qi and Shao Yao gan cao tang for muscle cramps
Shan Yao Dioscorea
Spleen Lung Chronic coughs Very moistening SECURES KIDNEY ESSENCE: meaning seminal and vaginal discharges White yam
Huang Jing Polygonatum solomonseal
Spleen lung Stomach - for dryness Tonifies kidney
Yi Tang Maltose
Maltose sugar Dry cough - lungs Stops pain
Formula Si Jun Zi Tang
For spleen qi deficiency: pale, less appetite, weak limbs, pale tongue, thin/empty pulse, fatigue Ren Shen Ginseng: spleen qi Bai Zhu Atractylodes: helps with fluids Fu Ling Peoria: dry sponge for spleen dampness Zhi gan cao licorice: harmonize, helps middle jiao
Formula Liu Jun Zi Tang 6 Gentlemen’s
4 gents More for spleen qi with phlegm. Earth pulses can be slippery with phlegm White phlegm means cold, colored means heat Two assistants for phlegm: Chen pi tangerine peel: cuts damp phlegm Zhi ban xia pinellia: transforms phlegm, breaks it up
Formula Xiang Sha Liu Jun Zi Tang
Variation of Liu Jun Zi Tang if have digestive pain Reduced appetite, belching, abdominal distinction, vomiting/diarrhea. Tongue will be pale with coating and scallops. Pulse slippery More moving and drying than 6 gents 6 gents plus: Sha ren Amorim: like pinellia transforms phlegm, smelling salts for the spleen Mu Xiang Aucklandia/suscoria: regulates qi like tangerine peel. Helps with digestive pain Zheng Jiang Fresh Ginger: warms and harmonizes, for nausea and vomiting
Formula Shen Ling Bai Zhu San Ginseng, Peoria, and White Atractylodes Powder
San = powder Diarrhea Pale tongue, wight coating, thin pulse, easy to push through, pale, vomiting, weak extremities Good for babies and elderly. After it tonifies it can cause stagnation 4 gents PLUS these 4 for diarrhea Shan Yao diascorea: for spleen Yi yi ren Covid Job’s tears: leaches out dampness so pee it out Ban Bian Dou Dolichos: for diarrhea Liam Zi Nelumbinis Lotus Seeds: stops diarrhea PLUS these two for other Sha Ren Amorim: aromatic transforms dryness, “smelling salts for qi” which prevents stagnation Jie Geng Platycodon: lungs for phlegm problems
What do herbs do in common that TONIFY BLOOD?
Liver is blood gauge: heart empties first, goes down and last is liver to have less blood Blood deficiency: Head: causes dizziness Eyes: floaters and dryness, vision acuity Sinews: numbness Nails: dry, brittle Heart: shen problems like palpitations and anxiety Menses: scant or late or not at all Warm and sweet LIVER HEART Sticky and cloying so digestion problems
Dang Gui Angelica
Tonifies blood “State of return” translation of dang Gui, so postpartum returns to normal Looks a little like ren shen Head is dang Gui you for tonification Tail is Dang Gui Wei for movement Body is Dang Gui Shen tonifies and moves Tonifies and invigorates: good for women’s health, constipation
Shu Di Huang Rehmannia
Tonifies blood Prepared earth yellow: shu means prepared (steamed wine) Round and looks like polygonatum, black Tonifies blood Kidney yin, tonifies kidney essences: meaning memory help, turns grey hair to black, Combine it with moving herbs
Bai Shao Peony
Tonifies blood Cools Sour- so stops sweating Important for menses, Stops cramping
Long Yan Rou Longan Fruit
“Dragon-eyed flesh: translation Tonifies blood to CALM SHEN So use when overworked Food therapy, Can be given alone
He Shou Wu Fleeceflower
Looks like little men, tonifies blood Story of man’s impotence and grey hair: he saw vines with roots in forest and ate them and got married, had 27 kids, lived to be 130 year and grew back black hair Moistens large intestine
E Jiao Ass Hide Glue/Gellatin
Tonifies and stops bleeding: which is rare combination Stops cough, think how donkey saw he - haw a lot like a cough Glue to stop bleeding Melted in Very unique because stops bleeding for miscarriages
Gou Qi ZI Goji Berry Lycium Wolfberry
Tonifies blood Brightens eyes Moistens lung
Sang Shen Morus Mulberry
Sang: mulberry Tonifies blood/yin Gentle Not upset stomach
Formulas Si Wu Tang 4 substances
Tonifies blood and regulates Liver Dizziness, blurred vision, pale, choppy/wiry/thin pulse, pale tongue, lower pain, less menses, palpitations, thin body, Shu Di Huang Rehmannia: for yin of blood Bai Shao Peony: tonifies blood Dan Gui Angelica: nourishes qi in blood Chuan Xiong Ligusticum: moves qi
Formulas Tao Hong Si Wu Tang 4 substances with safflower decoction and peach pit
Si Wu Tang variation PLUS Tao Ren Persica peach pit: regulate blood Hong Hua Safflower: regulate blood For regulating menses and blood deficiency
Formulas Dang Gui Bu Xue Tang Tangkuei Decoction
Tonify blood Red face, irratable, thirst and desires warm beverages, pale tongue, large pulse that is forceless when pushed, fever and headache, Huang Qi Astragalus: tonifies qi to regulate blood Dang Gui Angelica: tonifies qi to regulate blood
Formulas Shao Ya Gan Cao Tang peony and licorice decoction
Tonifies blood For slight chills, no coatings on tongues, cramping in hands or abdomen that improves with pressure Spasms Bai Shao Peony: soothes liver with blood Zhi gan cao honey fried licorice: soothes flesh with sweetness to relieve spasm
Formulas Bu Zhong Qi Tang Tonify middle to augment qi decoction
Tonify qi
Formula Yu Ping Feng San Jade Windscreen powder
Tonifies qi
Formula Shen Mai San Generate the Pulse Powder
Tonify qi
Formula Ream Shen Ge Jie San Ginseng and Gecko
Tonify qi
Formula Dang Gui Shao Yao San Tangkuei and Peony Powder
Tonify blood Liver blood tonic, clears dampness Deals with cramping pain in abdomen, urinary difficulty
Formula Shi Quan Da Bu Tang All Inclusive Great Tonifying Decoction
Tonify blood and qi
Formula Ba Zhen Tang Eight Treasure Decoction
Tonify blood and qi 4 gents plus 4 substances
Formula Gui Pi Tang Restore the Spleen Decoction
Adds spleen and heart nourishment, uses some of 4 gents
Formula Taishan Pan Shi Shen Taishan Bedrock Powder
Tonify blood and qi
Formula Zhi Gan Cao Tang honey prepared licorice decoction
Treats irregular pulses, restores pulse 4 gents and 4 substances variations
Formula Bu Fed Tang (bu=tonify), fei (lungs), tang (decoction) tonify the lungs
Tonify qi For chronic cough due to lung deficiency Qi and fluids and astringent
Formula Ren Shen Ge Jie San Ginseng and Gecko
Tonify qi For lung qi plus chronic phlegm, heat in lungs, complicated pattern, don’t see this much