Command Points Flashcards
Rushing the Frontier Gate, METAL, outer nail point of ring finger,
Crooked Pond, arm on chest, between crease and epicondyle, EARTH point, Tonification point
Palace of Weariness, 2nd transverse crease between 3-4 metacarpals, FIRE point
Three Yang Junction, 4 ACI up midline between radius and ulna,
Joining of Valleys, between 1-2 metacarpals as far before bone as possible, SOURCE point
Spirit Path, 1 1/2 ACI, METAL point, ulnar artery, between tendons
Wrist Bone, side of hand in between wrist and next bone, SOURCE point
Branch Ditch, FIRE point, 3 ACI up center between radius and ulna
The Inner Frontier Gate, JUNCTION point, BIG point for the heart protector for opening heart and ourselves up. 2 ACI
Middle Islet, just up over knuckle of ring finger and between metacarpals of little and ring finger, WOOD point
Small Sea, arm in how position while laying down find Olechranon and inner epicondyle and measure a triangle up onto forearm, SEDATION point, EARTH point
Nourishing the Old, now go posterior on hand up over highest point of radius, draw circle on radius and on inner corner, XICLEFT, between tendons and bone, supposedly 1 ACI but really not measured
Heavenly Well, have patient sit up and bend arm, go up from olechranon 1 ACI, EARTH point, Sedation point
Narrow Defile, on radial artery slightly lateral, 2 ACI, JUNCTION point
Little Merchant, WOOD point, radial nail point of thumb
Crooked Marsh, WATER point, ulnar side just off biceps on elbow crease
Little Marsh, outer nail bed little finger, METAL point
Lower Side, 8 ACI draw line from X 6-X-11 and mark on that line
Merchant Yang, METAL point, radial nail point index finger
Penetrating Inside, 1 ACI, JUNCTION POint, ulnar artery, between tendons
Lesser Palace, transverse crease and between 4-5 metacarpals, FIRE point
Back Ravine, mark metacarpals and midline between under bone, WOOD point
Forward Valley, side of base to metatarsal, WATER point
Fourth Gutter, 7 ACI up between radius and ulna
Assembly of Ancestors, 3 ACI between radius and ulna but more towards ulna side, XICLEFT
Gate of Chi Reserve, XICLEFT, 5 ACI, between tendons
Yang Stream, Snuffbox, put arm over chest, FIRE point
Side Passage, JUNCTION, 3 ACI, hard to find seam of bone ulnar side of radial bone, just over bone towards ulna
Very Great Abyss, radial artery, EARTH and SOURCE point, Tonification
Upper Angle, 9 ACI, mark line between X-6 and X-11 and mark on that line
Warm Current, 7 ACI, draw line between X6 and X11 and mark 7,8,9,10 on that line, XICLEFT
Fish Region, mark ends of thumb metacarpal and middle up over the bone, FIRE point
Yin Mound, ulnar artery, 1/2 ACI, XICLEFT point, between tendons
Little Rushing In, radial nail point little finger, WOOD point
Fluid Secretion Gate, WATER point, not on side and not on top but distal to base of finger,
Arm Three Miles, 10 ACI, mark line between X-6 and X-11 and mark on that line
Third Interval, 2nd metacarpal just slide over knuckle and in, WOOD point
Outer Frontier Gate, 2 ACI, up between radius and ulna up center, JUNCTION point
Outside Marsh, WATER point, 1 ACI from biceps tendon
Rushing into the Middle, radial nailpoint of middle finger, WOOD point
Second Interval, base of metacarpal, not on side and not on top, WATER point
Great Mound, EARTH and SOURCE point, sedation point, between tendons way up in wrist
Meridian Gutter, METAL point, 1 ACI, on radial artery
Little Sea, halfway between epicondyle and biceps, WATER point
Upright Branch, 5 ACI between bone and muscle straight up from II-6, JUNCTION point
Greatest Hole, XICLEFT, between muscles, 7 ACI,
The Intermediary, between tendons midline, METAL point, 3 ACI
Sprit Gate, ulnar artery, EARTH and SOURCE Point, Sedation point, between tendons
Yang Valley, side of hand just over bone from II-4, FIRE point
Yang Pond, on 4th metacarpal in wrist high up, SOURCE point
BL 67
Extremity of yin, metal, tonification, exit, lateral nail point little toe
BL 66
Penetrating Valley, water, horary, lateral border of foot distal to base of proximal phalanx of little toe
BL 65
Bone binder, wood, lateral border foot, proximal to head of 5th metatarsal bone
BL 64
Capital bone, source, lateral border of foot, distal to tubercle of 5th metartarsal bone
BL 63
Golden Gate, lateral border foot, proximal to tubercle of 5th metatarsal bone.
BL 62
Extended meridian,half ACI to tip-off of lateral malleolus between tendons of peroneus longus and peroneus breves. Circle around malleolus midline
BL 61
Servants Aide, superior edge of lateral surface of calcaneus, inferior to BL 60
BL 60
Kunlun mountain fire, midway between prominence of lateral malleolus and Achilles’ tendon on perineal artery.
BL 59
Foot bone yang, posterolateral surface of leg, 3 ACI proximal to level of prominence of lateral malleolus, posterior to peroneus longus, proximal to III 60
BL 58
Fly and scatter, junction, patient on stomach, 8 ACI proximal to level of prominence of lateral malleolus, between gastrocnemius and soles, push foot down into hand
BL 57
Supporting mountain, on stomach, middle of back on seam between tendons, 9 ACI proximal to lateral malleolus
BL 56
Supporting muscles, Stomach, no needling, 12 ACI
BL 55
Uniting yang, on stomach, posterior of leg, 14 ACI
BL 54
Equilibrium Middle, posterior surface of leg, in center of knee crease between tendons, empirical point for low back pain
BL 28
Bladder Correspondence, 2.5 ACI lateral across from 2nd sacral foramen
BL 27
Small intestine correspondence, 2.5 ACI lateral to median line, level of 1st sacral foramen
BL 25
Large intestine correspondence, 2.5 ACI from median, between 4/5 lumbar
BL 24
Sea of qi correspondence, 2.5 ACI from median, between 3/4 lumbar
BL 23
Kidney correspondence, 2.5 from median, between 2/3 lumbar
BL 22
Three heater correspondence, 2.5 ACI from median, between 1/2 lumbar
BL 21
ST correspondence, 2 lateral to median, at T12/Lumber1
BL 20
Spleen correspondence, 2 lateral to median at 11/12 thoracic
BL 19
GB correspondence, 2 lateral to median, 10/11 thoracic
BL 18
Liver correspondence, 2 lateral to median, at 9/10 thoracic
BL 15
HT correspondence, 2 lateral to median at 5/6 T
BL 14
PC correspondence, 2 lateral to median, at 4/5 T
BL 13
Lung correspondence, 2 lateral to median at 3/4 T
KI 1
Bubbling spring, wood, entry, plantar surface, between 2/3 metarsal, in crease
KI 2
Blazing valley, fire, find navicular where heel hits front of foot, inferior to Tuberosity of navicular
KI 3
Greater mountain stream, earth, source, 1 ACI proximal to medial malleolus on posterior tibial artery
KI 4
Great Bell, junction, medial surface ankle, posterior to prominence of medial malleolus, on posterior tibial artery, 1 ACI distal to KI 3
Ki 5
Water Spring, XICLEFT, medial surface ankle, 1 ACI distal to KI 4, on top of heel bone on same line
Illuminated sea, .5 ACI distal to border of medial malleolus, follow central line down
Returning current, metal, on medial surface of leg, 3 ACI proximal to level of prominence of medial malleolus, posterior to flexor digitorum longus
Exchange pledges, medial surface leg, not on water street, 3 ACI , .5 ACI anterior to KI7, anterior to flexor digitorum longus
KI 9
Building guest, medial surface leg, 6.5 ACI proximal to prominence of medial malleolus, on water street between Achilles’ tendon and posterior of tibia
KI 20
Yin valley, water, horary, between tendons of semimenbramnosus and semitendinosus when knee is slightly creased. Find large tendon and come medial to it
KI 22
Walking on verandah, exit, 5th intercostal, 2 ACI off median line, level of XIII16
KI 24
Spirit Burial Ground, 3rd intercostal space, 2 ACI from median, level with XIII 18
Spirit storehouse, 2nd intercostal space, 2 ACI lateral, on level with XIII 19
GB 44
Foot hole yin, metal, lateral nail point fourth toe
GB 43
Valiant stream, water, press bottom of foot to find knuckle, distal to base of proximal phalanx of 4th toe
GB 42
Earth five meetings, extra point, between 4/5 metatarsal bones, proximal to head of 4th metarsal
GB 41
Foot above tears, wood, dorsal surface foot, between 4/5 metatarsal bones and over tendon
GB 40
Wilderness mound, source, circle around ankle, in hollow anterior to ankle pointed towards big toe, stand on mound with head towards big toe and fall off into point
GB 39
Hanging cup, XICLEFT, 3 ACI proximal to lateral malleolus, knee up, point is anterior to edge of fibula, between bones
GB 38
Yang support, fire, 4 ACI proximal, knee semiflexed, anterior to fibula
GB 37
Bright and clear, junction, 5 ACI , semiflexed knee, anterior to fibula
GB 36
Outer mound, 7 ACI proximal to lateral malleolus, knee semiflexed
Phone numbers GB
GB 35
Yang crossing, 7 ACI, .5 ACI posterior to GB 36, knee semiflexed
GB 34
Yang mound spring, earth, 14 ACI, knee semiflexed, circle head of fibula, anterior distal corner
Phone number HT
Phone number SI
Phone number BL
Phone number KI
Phone number PC
Phone number TH
Phone number GB
Phone number LIVER
Phone number LU
Phone number LI
Phone number ST
Phone number SP
Great esteem, wood, exit, lateral nail point big toe
Walk between, fire, between big toe and 2nd toe, distal to base of big toe
LR 3
Supreme rushing, earth, source, between 1/2 metatarsal bones
LR 4
Middle seal, ankle, between tendons next to ST which on exterior same level, make sure where leg meets foot
LR 5
Insect ditch, junction, 6 ACI, posterior to edge of tibia on spleen line
LR 6
Middle capital, XICLEFT, 8 aci
LR 9
Knee border, 12 ACI
LR 7
Knee border 12 ACI
LR 8
Crooked spring, water, posterior to medial condole of tibia, fall off it, close to extremity of crease when knee is flexed
LR 14
Gate of Hope, exit, paramedian nipple line, below ribs
LR 13
Chapter gate, anterior tip of 11th rib, should be up from top of hip, or slide around from ribcage
GB 24
Sun and moon, paramedian nipple line level with XIII 13, 7th intercostal space
GB 25
Capital gate, pat on side, come around from back to find anterior tip of 12th rib, watch for top of hip bone
Hard bargain, metal, lateral nail point 2nd toe
ST 44
Inner courtyard, distal to base of 2nd toe
ST 43
Sinking valley, wood, in angle between 2/3 metartarsals
ST 42
Rushing yang, source, find liver 3 and ankle point and then go half way between, have patient make high heel
ST 41
Fire, flexure of ankle same level as LR 4, between tendons,
ST 40
Abundant splendor, 8 ACI and 1 ACI lateral to ST 38
ST 39
Lower great void, 7 ACI lateral to edge of tibia
ST 38
Branch opening, 8 ACI
ST 37
Upper great void, 10 ACI
ST 36
Leg 3 Miles, 13 ACI,
SP 1
Retired white, wood, entry, medial nail point big toe
SP 2
Great capital, fire, base of proximal phalanx
SP 3
Supreme white, earth, source, proximal to head of first metatarsal
SP 4
Princes grandson, junction, medial edge of foot, distal to end of first metatarsal bone, use knuckle only 1 ACI up
SP 5
Merchant mound, metal, anterior to ankle, posterior to tendon of tibialis
SP 6
3 yin crossing, 4 ACI, pick leg up to find spleen channel, tuck behind bone, same as liver
SP 7
Leaky valley, 7 aci
SP 8
Earth motivator, 9 aci
SP 9
Yin mound spring, water, 13 aci
GV: 2 is just above coccyx. 3 is L4/5, 4 is 2/3, 5 is L1/2, 6 is T11/12. GV 14 is below C7. BL line is 2 out, moves to 2.5 at L1/2. outer BL line is 4 out and moves to 4.5 at L1/2 Front mu’s are in order: LU, PC, HT, then a space, then LR, GB, SP, ST, then moves out for Lumbars to TH and KI, then space and down to LI, space and down to SI and BL Places for front mu are: 3,4,5 then space and 9,10,11,12,1,2 space and L4 space and 1st and 2nd foremen for SI and BL Upper bladder points are same as GV, (BL 13/Lu = T 3/4 and BL 13, T4/5=PC BL 14, T5/6=HT BL 15). Outer bladder lines are all + 24 the inner bladder lines. So Bl 13 is across from BL 37 Then +9, so T9=BL 18/LR, T10=BL19/GB, T11=BL20, T12=BL21/ST, Then +21 so L1=BL22/TH, L2=BL23/KI. Space and then L4=BL 25/LI. 1st foremen is SI BL 31, and 2nd foremen is BL 32 and BL
Measure 5 from 2-umbilicus (8). Each is one ACI more except for after CV 5, CV 6 is .5, CV 7 is .5 from that and CV8 is a whole point away, so 5,6,7 all .5 away from each other. Measure 8 up from U to xiphoid notch which is CV 16. EAch of these is 1 ACI from the other, so from 8-16. Measure 5 from xiphoid notch to sternal notch which is CV 21. Each of these is 1 ACI as well. Ki line is 2 and then moves to 1.5. Stomach is 4 and moves to 3, Spleen is 6 and moves to 4 Front mu: LU 1, GB 24, GB 25, , LR 14, ST 25, CV 15 (PC), CV 14 (HT), CV 12 (ST)