Hepatitis viruses Flashcards
What is the significance of HBs IgG?
Immunity or vaccination, IgG = guardians that have overcome the Supervillian (Surface antigen)
What is the significance of HBsAg?
Surface antigen = Supervillian - causes symptoms, present when the infection is chronic
What is the significance of the HBeAg?
Energetic antigens - marker of replication and risk of transmission
What is the significance of the HbcAg?
Core antigens - the “core team”, these are present in both acute and chronic infections and are what the IgM antibodies are predominately attacking
What is the significance of the IgM in HBV infection?
Minions = sent out to attack the HB virus in acute infection. They attack the “core team” = the core antigens
What is the significance of HBc IgG?
Can be present in both immunity and chronic infection because they indicate the minions (IgM) which have been attacking the “core team” have graduated to guardians. BUT YOU MUST have surface antigen IgG to be immune
What is the role of IgG and IgM in Hep A infection?
IgM shows ongoing acute infection, IgG shows either vaccination or past infection. There is no chronic infection in Hep A
Which acute hepatitis is particularly dangerous in pregnant women?
Hepatitis E - results in fulminant hepatitis
What is the role of IgG and IgM in Hep E infection?
IgM shows an ongoing acute infection, IgG shows a past infection. THERE IS NO VACCINATION
What marker is most useful in Hep C investigations?
Viral RNA with PCR. IgG is not protective
What is the clinical significance of HDV?
Is only present if HBV is present.
What is the role of IgG and IgM in Hep D infection?
Both confer active infection - neither are protective