Clinical features of different bacteria Flashcards
Appearance of staphylococcus on microscopy
Clusters of cocci (bunch of grapes)
Tests used to differentiate between staphylococcus aureus and other staphylococcus strains
Coagulase test = positive
DNase test = positive
Surface protein A is present
Exotoxins produced by staphylococcus aureus
Toxic Shock Syndrome toxin
Enterotoxins A-E
Epidermolytic toxin (scalded skin syndrome)
Which bacteria can cause toxic shock and which test can be used to differentiate between them
Group A streptococcus (pyogenes) and staphylococcus aureus - GAS is catalase negative, Staph A is catalase positive
What kind of bacteria is listeria?
A gram positive, bacillus, facultative anaerobe, beta haemolysis on agar, intracellular pathogen (hides within phagocytic cells), produces flagella at room temp
Signs and symptoms of listeriosis
Flu-like illness, high fever, diarrhoea
Incidence of listeriosis
1 in 10,000
Neonatal mortality rate with listeriosis
Up to 60%
Transmission of listeria
Undercooked food, unpasteurised milk, soft cheeses, pate
What kind of bacteria is E.coli?
Gram negative rod, a non-lactose fermenter, facultative anaerobe
What are the microbiological characteristics of neiserria species?
Gram negative, diplococci, obligate aerobes, oxidase and catalase positive, often require a rich media to grow and thrive in the presence of high CO2
What levels of CO2 do Neisseria species prefer to grow in?
High levels
What does Treponema pallidum pertenue cause?
Yaws - (Yaw(n)s around the mouth) periositis, yellow papillomatous skin lesions
What is Yaws disease?
Disease caused by treponea pallidum pertenue = periositis, yellow papillomatous skin lesions
What does Treponema carrateum cause?
Pinta - (“tinta” of the skin) - achromic lesions and papulosquamous skin lesions