Hepatic encephalopathy Flashcards
What is elastography?
○ Noninvasive imaging technique
○ Assesses tissue mechanical properties like stiffness
○ Uses sound waves
○ Detects differences in stiffness between healthy and diseased tissues
How was elastography investigated in dogs with suspected acute
Shear wave velocity was higher in dogs with suspected AP compared to controls
What is computed tomography angiography (CTA)?
○ Utilizes iodinated contrast material
○ Evaluates blood flow in organs and tissues
○ Rapid image acquisition with multislice CT
What are the imaging findings in acute pancreatitis on CTA?
○ Enlarged pancreas
○ Hypoattenuating appearance
○ Heterogeneous contrast enhancement indicating decreased vascularity
How does CTA compare to abdominal ultrasound in identifying severe acute
pancreatitis and portal vein thrombosis?
CTA is superior in identifying severe AP and portal vein thrombosis
What is the sensitivity and specificity of the Spec cPL assay in dogs with
gastrointestinal disease?
○ Sensitivity: 85.7% to 90.9%
○ Specificity: 64.0% to 74.3%
What are some routine clinicopathological features of acute pancreatitis in
○ Dehydration reflected by increased PCV and total protein
○ Hypoproteinemia due to acute phase response or protein loss
○ Thrombocytopenia from inflammation
○ Left shift in neutrophils
○ Increased acute phase reactants and inflammatory cytokines
How can serum biochemistry profile help in diagnosing acute pancreatitis in
○ Azotemia may indicate AKI
○ Increased liver enzyme activities due to hepatic changes
○ Hypocalcemia may occur secondary to other factors
What is the role of symmetric dimethylarginine (SDMA) in detecting acute
kidney injury secondary to acute pancreatitis?
SDMA may be a more sensitive biomarker for AKI secondary to AP
How can a blood smear evaluation be important in diagnosing acute
pancreatitis in dogs?
Left shift in neutrophils may be present even without increased WBC count
What are some clinical and prognostic findings in dogs with suspected
extrahepatic biliary obstruction and pancreatitis?
Clinical and prognostic findings were reported in dogs with suspected extrahepatic biliary
obstruction and pancreatitis
What is the role of C-reactive protein in canine acute pancreatitis?
C-reactive protein concentrations may be increased in canine acute pancreatitis
What is the purpose of the clinical scoring system developed for short-term
prediction of death in dogs with acute pancreatitis?
To predict short-term death in dogs with acute pancreatitis
How can fresh frozen plasma administration be evaluated in dogs with
Evaluation of fresh frozen plasma administration in dogs with pancreatitis was
What are some key recommendations for the diagnosis and management of
canine pancreatitis?
Update on the diagnosis and management of canine pancreatitis