HEP C Flashcards
diagnostic test for HEP C
1st test for Hep C antibody
2nd test: test HCV RNA test to confirm HCV
person whom HCV test recommended:
- H/o drug injection h/o receiving blood prod prior to 1987
Direct acting antiviral for HCV
- NS3/4A Protease Inhibitor
- Paritaprevir, Grazoprevir - NS5B nucleoside polymerase inhib
- Sofosbuvir - NS5B (non nuclesoide polymerase inhib)
- Dasabuvir - NS5A Inhibitor
- Ledipasvir
- Ombitasvir
- Elbasvir
5b: buvir
5a: asvir
PI: previr
HCV treatment
**Sofosbuvir (sovladi) QD for 12 weeks
Ledipasvir + sofosbuvir: Harvoni- 12 weeks
Velpatasvir+ sofosbuvir+ Voxilaprevir: VoSeVi- 12 weeks
Paritepravir+ Ombitasvir+ ritonavir+ dasabuvir: **Vikiera Pak BID - 12 weeks **
Elbasvi +grazoprevir **(zepatier) **12 weeks
Glecaprevir+ pibrenstavir: Mavyret QD w/food for 8 wks **
drug interaction with HEP C
avoid sofosubir + amiodorane
- enhance severe bradycaridiac effect of amiodorane
Anticonvulsant: Avoid CYP3A4 Inducer- dec hepc level
- recommend valproic acid or lamictal
Supplement s with St. john wort (indcuer) avoid
All but sofosubir inc statin
Valproid : a for INC ammnia, L : liver, P: pancreatitis
- used for bipolar, migrain, seizure
Rabetrol - PO
- oral formulation for HCV
- Inhaled ribavarin (virazole) for treatment RSV inf
- RSV prevention: Palitumab (synergist)
- preg cat x
- hemolytic anemia
- two reliave contraceptive
DUR: fatal bradycardia when taken with amiodorane (cordarone)
- lepidasvir+ sofosbuvir: harvoni
- Velpatasvir+ sofosbuvir: epclupsa
- velpatasvir+ sofosbuvir+ Voxilaprevir: VoSeVi
lepidisavir+ ledipasvir
- 1tab po qd
- No antacids
Dur: P-gp inducer
- ( rifampin, carbamazapine, st. john wort) - dec ser conc of harvoni
- avoid rosuvastatin
- combining amiodorane w/ sofosbuvir may lead to bradycardia and cardiac arrest.
hary and lady in sofa
- velpatasvir+ sofosbuvir
- 1 tab qd for 12 weeks
- No antacids
Black box: Hep B activation
- Velpatasvir + sofosbuvir+ voxilaprevir
- No antacids
- QD with with food for 12 wks
- Ribavarin ( copegus) BiD with food and 2 form of BC
- sofosbuvir (sovaldi)- 1pill qd
- combo= harvoni, eclupsa
- don’t give with antacid
- risk with amiodrande- bradycardia - Harvoni ( ledipasvir+ sofosbuvir)
- Eclupsa ( Velpatasvir+ sofosbuvir)
- VoSeVi: ( Velpatasvir+ sofosbuvir+ voxilaprevir) with food
- VIkiera pak: paritaprevir+ ombitasvir+ ritonavir+ dasabuvir
- 3tab am and 1 tab pm
- not with COC - zepatier (Elbasvir+ garazoprevir)
- Mavyret( glecprevir+ pibrentasvir)
- 3tab qd wit food
- not with coc
vikiera pak
two pink tab+ 1tan tab in am and 1 tan tab in evening
- 3 tab in am and 1 tab in pm
- take with food
elbasvir + grazoprevir
not recom with cyp3a4 inhint and inducer
Glecaprevir+ Pibrenstavir
take three tablet qd with food
man gets piss
recommendation for hep C pt
Hep B screening before starting hep c med
RSV -respiratory syncytial virus
common cause of bronchitis and pneumonia in <1 y/o
- prevention of rsv n high risk pt (premature, chronic lung, heart dx_
- give Palivizumab (Synagis)
- IM Qmonth
- Treatment: Ribavarin
vaccine for hep c
- Hep A
- Hep B
- Inluenza
- Pneumonia
- Dtap
avoid alcohol and kava kava (otc)