Henry VIII Flashcards
When did Henry come to the throne?
age, year and relation to a key event
two months before his 18th birthday
7 years after Arthur’s death
Henry came to the crown with _____ experience
no experience in government or public affairs
Was his accession welcomed?
Yes, Henry VII began to become unpopular due to the work of Empson and Dudley unlawfully to gain money for the King
Describe Henry’s character
Enjoyed sports eg. jousting,hunting,tournaments
Enjoyed revelry and pageants
Aimed to be chivalrous
Found writing and reading state papers tedious
What was the four-fold legacy left by Henry VII ( his father)?
unpopular mechanism of extracting money via the council learned of law
peaceful foreign policy
concillar form of government
What happens to the legacy from his father?
and why?
Money pays for aggressive foreign policy particular against France
Empson and Dudley arrested (immediately) and executed ( one year in to reign)
Jan 10: The council learned of law was abolished and many bonds and reconiances were cancelled
to gain popularity among nobles
What were Henry’s main aims when he came to the throne? (4)
Dismantle less popular aspect of father’s legacy
Establish his status amongst European monarchs via marriage
Re-establish the role of the nobility
Establish himself as a warrior king via successes in battle
When were Henry and Catherine of Aragon married?
11th June 1509
Name his characteristics and evidence to show this
Impulsive = marriages
Ruthless = treatment of officials eg. Duke of Buckingham ( only English Duke at the start of his reign) who grumbled about treasonous ideas and he was found guilty and executed)
Belligerent = treatment of France and Scotland
Who did Henry spend most his time with and how is this significant?
Nobels sons
shared his passion for a dominant military culture of the aristocracy
led to nobles regain their power
What was the role of parliament?
Granted extraordinary revenue
To pass laws
How many times did Wolsey call parliament?
When was the first parliament called and what did it do ?
Jan-february 1510
Abolished Council learned of law
How many parliament were called to gain extraordinary revenue?
Describe the difference between Wolsey and Cromwell attitudes to parliament
Cromwell exploited it’s legislative possibilities
Wolsey reluctant to use it
Name the factors that ended the councillor approach
Reluctance of fathers senior councillors to support a war with France
Henry became more attuned to governing
Henry was impressed by Wolsey efforts
Why was Wolsey successful?
Gave the King what he wanted or convince King that is what he wanted.
Effective management of the French campaign
Influence derived from close relationship with King not his formal positions
He managed Church, formulation of domestic policy, legal system and foreign relations
How did Wolsey increase his power via the Privy Council ?
Before 1519, the PC was beyond his control.
Kings minions=Gentleman of the PC
Minions distrusted Wolsey so 1519 Wolsey replaced them with his own supporters
Limited as most minions regained positions.
Describe Wolseys actions concerning the domestic policys
Not trained as a lawyer but as Lord Chancellor oversaw legal system.
Used Court of Chancery to uphold fair justice. Set up permant judicial comittee = too popular and busy
Used Court of the Star chamber to increase cheap and fair justice including private lawsuits = too successful and forced to set up overflow tribunals.
Describe Wolseys actions concerning the financial policys
Set up national comittee to collect realistically calculated subsides
1525 Amicable Grant attempt to raise unparlientary tax. Raise money for war was a ‘gift’ to the King ( heavy tax) led to widespread resistance
1526 Eltham Ordinaces reduce the finances of the PC and hence their threat. Reduce the number of Gentlemen. Secured the removal of the Groom of the Stool ( intermate and knew Royal secrets). Sir William Compton and replace him with the compliant Henry Nor is.
What is the King’s great matter?
Henry’s marriage and divorce with Boyeln and Aragon.
What was the marriage/succession situation in the kids 1520s?
Catherine past childbearing age
Only one child surviving infancy Mary
Considered legitimizing Henry Fitzroy
Now madly in love with Anne Boleyn who refused to be mistress unlike sister.
What were the fors and against the King’s great matter.
For = Book of Leviticus prohibition on man marrying brothers widow
Collectanea Stais Copiosa = justify divorce on legal and historical principles
Against= Catherine claimed her marriage with Arthur was never consummated
Henry require a papal dispersion for the annulment
1527 Pope and Rome under control of Charles V ( Catherine’s nephew)
Briefly describe Wolsey’s failure with the Kings Great Matter
May 27 Henry put before a false court to admit to living in sin
2 years of fruitless diploma
30th of July Envoy Cardinal Campeggio refused the annulment/divorce
Describe Wolsey’s fall
Oct 29 charged with premunire and surrender himself and his properties, including Hampton Court.
4 of Nov 30 he was arrested but cheated the axe to die in Leister Abbey on h e29th of Nov
How did Cromwell suggest to deal with the divorce issue?
Suggested a break with Rome and place Henry as the head of the church
Name some the titles Cromwell had
Kings chief minister 32
Master of the rolls 34-36
Lord privy seal 36-40
Governor of the IOW 38-40
How was the church weakened ?
Humanist criticism of Colet and Erasmus
Church’s claim to legal supremacy was challenged in 1528 by lawyer, Christopher St German, who said English law was superior
King supplied with intellectual justification via The Sufficiently Abundant Collections, complied by Thomas Cranmer and Edward Fox
King revived expert opinion from foreign unis
Name the measures used to pressure the Pope
1531, clergy accused of premunire and fined
1532, Act in Conditional Restraint of Annates
1532,House of commons petition,Supplication against the ordinances
1532, Formal submission of the Clergy to Henry ( led to the resignation of Sir Thomas More as Lord Chancellor)
When was the Formal submission of the Clergy to Henry?
How was the annulment issue solved?
Anne finally had sex with Henry and got pregnant by Dec 32
Archbishop of Canterbury William Warham died and was replaced by Thomas Cranmer
When did Henry and Anna marry?
Secret on 25th Jan 1533
When was Henry and Catherine’s marriage annulled?
May 1533
When was Elizabeth born?
7 September 1533
Name the 5 acts of Parliament that aided the annulment and split from Rome
Act in Restraint of Appeals Act of Succession Act of Supremacy Treason Act Act Annexing First Fruits and tenths to Crown
When was the Act in Restraint of Appeals and what was it?
April 33 Declared monarch had imperial jurisdiction so Catherine could not appeal to Rome against the annulment and it was founded on the collectana
When was the Act of Succession and what was it?
April 34
marriage to C was void so succession is vested in Annes kids,
to deny that Annes marriage was treasonable
oath should be taken to affirm acceptance of the new marriage
When was the Act of Supremacy and what was it?
Nov 34
Accomplished break from Rome
When was the Treason Act and what was it?
Nov 34
Treason by word, by deed or by writing ( Sir Thomas More convicted and executed in July 1535)
When was the Act Annexing First Fruits and tenths to Crown and what was it?
Money paid to King instead of Pope
policy of the dissolution of the monasteries 36-42
How did Anne Boleyn fall?
Cromwell and co convinced Henry that Anne was committing adultery with her brother
She died on the 29th of May 36 for Treason and incest and adultery
When did Catherine die?
Jan 36
When did Jane die?
Describe why and when Cromwell set up Henry and Anne of Cleeves
secure good relationship with League of Schmalkalden yet personalities did not match so marriage quickly annulled
Describe how Catherine Howard married Henry
Norfolk used niece who was already in court and free but she has already had sexual experience and had an alleged affair with her distant cousin Thomas Culpepper
When was Henry and Catherine Howard married?
28th July 1540
same day Cromwell was executed for treason
When was Catherine Howard executed?
13 Feb 42 with bedchamber
When did Henry die and who held power?
28th Jan 1547
Edward Seymour could boast relation to the heir
Norfolk compromised by sons arrogance who was killed for treason , Kind consented to his death by was spared by kings death and stayed imprisoned for Edwards reign.
Between whom was there a conflict of interest ? (Foreign relations)
The King and his advisors
eg Renewal of Etaples 1510 but 1511 joined Holy league which was an anti french alliance
When was the Treaty of Etaples renewed?
When did Henry join the Holy League?
Describe English-France relations from 1509-1527
1512- Henry sent 10k army to France under command of Marquis of Dorset which achieved nothing and was a diversion tactic for Ferdinand.(father in law)
1513- King led force that won Battle of Spurs and captured Tournai and Therouanne ( lots of money spent and tournai returned for a cheaper price)
Wolsey recover Etaples pension and secured marriage alliance between Mary and Louis XII
Treaty of london 1518 led to english pension, Tournai returned,and French agreed to keep Albany out of Scotland
The Field of Cloth of Gold June 1520 (£15k spent on a propaganda for strong relations and being a warrior king, limited as he lost the battle)
English Armies invaded in 1522 and 23
Treaty of Amien 1527
Describe English-Scottish relations from 1509-1527
Battle of Flodden September 1513
English win despite smaller, hurriedly assembled army led by Veteran soldier Earl of Surrey and James IV died.
He was married to Henry’s sister so relations stayed good until 1542
there were worries that the Regent was a french spy as he was a french nobel but this was assured by the french not to be the case.
Describe English-Spanish relations from 1509-1527
Ferdinand used Henry as a diversion in 1512 and made a separate peace with France with out Henry
1517 Treaty of Cambrai between Spain and France
1518 Treaty of London
Aug 21 Treaty of Bruges ( ensured good relation with Pope, marriage alliance between Princess Mary and Emperor maybe lead to french territory.)
25 Charles wins Battle of Pavia and does not support Henry’s idea to further invade France (humiliated, jealous of Charles capturing Francis, repudiated the marriage)
26 Henry joins league of Cognac= anti charles
How did Wolsey act to ensure peace in foreign policy?
Wolsey regained Etaples pension and secured marriage alliance between Mary and Louis XII after Battle of the Spurs
1518 Treaty of London, brought european powers to the heart of England , organizing peace
Aug 21 Treaty of Bruges
Describe the Battle of the Spurs and effects
1513- King led force that won Battle of Spurs and captured Tournai and Therouanne ( lots of money spent and tournai returned for a cheaper price)
Wolsey recover Etaples pension and secured marriage alliance between Mary and Louis XII
When was the Field of Gold Cloth and describe it.
1520 June
Henry lost wrestling match
Around 4,000 English Guests
£12k spent on a temporary castle for Henry in France
When was the Battle of Flodden and what was its significance?
Battle of Flodden September 1513
English win despite smaller, hurriedly assembled army led by Veteran soldier Earl of Surrey and James IV died.
When was the Treaty of Bruges and what was its significance?
Aug 21 Treaty of Bruges ( ensured good relation with Pope, marriage alliance between Princess Mary and Emperor maybe lead to french territory.)
Describe English-France relations from 1527-40
Bad after Treaty of Nice which agreed to sever english relations with France and Spain
Describe English-Spanish relations from 1527-1540
Bad after Treaty of Nice which agreed to sever english relations with France and Spain
Break from Rome
Describe English-France relations from 1540-47
1545 Battle of the Solent, mary rose sank= humiliated, French troops landed on the Isle of Wright
Francis sent troops to scotland
1546 peace agreed.
Describe English-Scottish relations from 1540-47
England invade in 1542
rough wooing (Edward and mary marriage formally betrothed in Treaty of Greenwich 1543) this is was not ratified by parliament
Henry sent 2 armies in 44 to enforce treaty and cause damage to scotland up until Edinburgh.
Defeated at the Battle of Acrum Moor 1545
Francis sent troops to scotland in 45
Describe English Irish relations
Kildare dismissed in 1534
rebellion by son Thomas Fitzgerald
attempt to refashion english government in 1534 ( resented by galic nobles, O’neil and O’Donnel invade pale 1539)
Established separate Kingdom in 1541 and gave galic lord peerage title and irish entitled to legal protection
different religion did not help
Name three examples of resistance against tax
Complaints in Yorkshire for 1513 campaigns
Refusal to pay Amicable Grant 1525
Pilgrimage of Grace
Describe the opposition to the Amicable Grant
where was it the strongest?
North Essex and South Suffolk where 10k gathered on the border
The dukes here faced 4000 taxation resisters, particularly unemployed cloth workers who could not pay.
How was the Amicable Grant threat stopped?
Dukes handled matter sensitively and Wolsey begged to pardon Suffolk countrymen and leaders of the rebellion were treated leniently.
What was significant about the lincolnshire rising and the Pilgrimage Of Grace?
single largest rebellion in tudor history
Henry ignored warnings which he did not wish to here
How many people were involved with the Pilgrimage Of Grace and who led them?
Robert Aske
When was Pilgrimage Of Grace ?
What were some of the 24 articles ?
Demand Mary be made legitimate rebels have parliamentary pardon free elected parliament in York restore monasteries abandon 10 and first fruits
What was the significance of the Amicable Grant to Henry?
Showed he could not act in defiance of the tax paying class. Next time money came from the sale of monastic land
Describe the origins and spread of the Pilgrimage Of Grace and Lincolnshire rising?
Began in lincolnshire in early oct 36
spread into yorkshire and west rising
more radicalised and hostile military rising in Ripon and Richmond.
How did Pilgrimage Of Grace rebel?
24 articles
sent letters from captain poverty. revival of rebellion in Cumberland early 1537
Religious motives for Pilgrimage Of Grace
Dissolution of monasteries( worry of less facilities and increase of power for the south.) leader supported this
fear for parish churches and traditional religious practises
1536 Injunction by Comwell
rumour parishes may be almagerated, and church jewels and plates left by dead would be taken
Secular Motives for Pilgrimage Of Grace
Economical =Rumoured tax on marriage,baptism and funeral
resentment of tax subsidy Act 1534
Poor harvest 35-36 which rose food prices
hatred of Cromwell
Anne Boleyn reputation of adultery have tarnished Henry’s reputation.
crown attempt to impose Suffolk on Lincolnshire
Councillor support for Catherine of Aragon
tennant grievances
How was the Pilgrimage Of Grace suppressed?
Lincolnshire collapsed when faced by Suffolks men but some northern rebels occupied, York and hull and captured Pontefract castle.
King sent Norfolk with army hugely outnumbered at Doncaster so diffused by issue of pardon and promise of restoring dissolved monasteries and free parliament established so rebels dispersed.
How was Henry able to not follow his promises following Pilgrimage Of Grace?
Feb 1537 renewed rebellion in Cumberland and East Riding. Norfolk quickly repressed this and declared martial law and hung 74 rebels. Later gentry including Darcy and Hussey were tried and executed in London
Describe Trade
What exports increased and decreased?
What import increased?
Which company flourished?
woolen cloth export almost doubled in Henry’s reign
increase in export of hind and tin and cloth
70% of cloth export transported by English ships by 1550 ( lower than before)
decrease in raw wool market
increases in wine import
Merchant Adventures, controlled trade with north Germany
What was the biggest change in the cloth industry?
Increase in cheap fabrics eg Kersey
woolen cloth export doubled
Describe the geographics of trade
Where was the main route and how did this effect other ports?
Leading route from London to Antwerp and from there sent to central Europe and Baltic.
Increase in wool export this way damaged other ports eg Hull or Bristol.