Maximum number of councillors Henry ever had in Kings Council
Examples of Henry’s close confidants
John Morton, Richard Fox, Lord Dynham
How did Henry keep stability in terms of his close core group
Kept them in power for long periods of time, eg John Morton served for 14 years until the Kings death 1509
Why was the Council Learned established? (2)
Defend the King’s position as feudal landlord
Due to widespread corruption and bribery
How long did John Morton serve?
14 years
Who led the Council Learned?
Richard Empson and Edmund Dudley
Types of personnel Henry had in his government (3)
‘New men’
Example of a ‘new man’
Reginald Bray
Why was the Council Learned criticised ?
Operated without a jury, and relied on spies
How did Henry control the Council of the North?
Closely linked to main council
Appointed by himself eg William Sever
Who ran the Council of the North?
William Sever
Council of Ireland- why was Ireland a threat?
Supported Simnel
Who did Henry appoint to Council of Ireland?
Sir Edward Poynings as deputy, Prince Henry as lieutenant
1494 Poynings Law
Irish parliament could only be summoned with Henry’a approval
Who was appointed to the Council of Wales?
Jasper Tudor
Who did Henry appoint Prince of Wales in 1493?
Arthur Tudor
Why did Henry have support of Wales?
Family links
How did Henry rewarded Wales’ loyalty?
Trusted them to govern their own affairs
Appointed Welshmen to key positions in Wales
How did sheriffs enforce control?
Became the crown’s ‘eyes and ears’
Weaknesses of local government (2)
Henry depended on the goodwill of his subjects
Financial constraints meant he couldn’t use a system of paid servants like in France
How many times larger was the crown lands by the end of Henry’s reign?
Example of an Act of Attainder
Sir Stanley- fined £9000
Who was in charge of the Council of the North?
The Earl of Surrey
Why was the Council of the North important?
It was a traditional Yorkist stronghold
Who did Henry appoint to the Council of Wales?
Jasper Tudor (1493)
When did Henry appoint Jasper Tudor to the Council of Wales?
How did Henry treat the Council of Wales?
Rewarded loyal Welsh servants, eg Sir Thomas ap Rhys
1494 Poynings Law
Irish parliaments could only be called with prior approval of the King
How did Henry fail in the Council of Ireland?
High cosr
How many Orders of the Garter did Henry issue?
During Henry’s reign, __ out of __ noble families had a bond or recognisance to Henry
36 out of 62
Increased his income of crown lands from _____ to ______
£12,000 to £40,000 p/a
Income by the end of Henry’s reign (and in relation to France)
Had risen to £113,000
France was at £800,000
Example of a bond
Lord Dacre £2000
Example of Henry rewarding loyalty
Thomas Howard- imprisoned in the tower after Bosworth. Released on loyalty and remained loyal
Example of Henry controlling the nobility
Controlled marriages eg Katherine Woodville fined £2000
Henry’s council
Small- he relied on a close knit group, eg Lord Dynham, John Morton
Why was the Council Learned criticised
Operated without a jury (Henry was aware of frequent charges of bribery)
Weaknesses of local government (2)
Relied on the goodwill of his servants
A system like France’s, which relied on paid servants, may have been better
Where were JP’s drawn from?
The King’s Council
What ensured the loyalty of the JP’s?
They were appointed for life?
How often did JPs’ meet
4x a year- quarter sessions
How often were sheriffs appointed?
Role of sheriffs
Acted as the crown’s eyes and ears, represented the King
Court of Assize
Dealt with the most serious crimes eg murder, treason
Judges were appointed by Henry
Judges in the Court of Assize
Appointed by Henry- showed that law and order was important to hin
Why were courts important?
Meant there was no corruption- fair justice
How many earls did Henry make compared to Edward IV?
Edward made 9, Henry made 3
How did Henry improve efficiency in the King’s Council
Made use of smaller committees within the council eg Court of Requests