When was the Act of Supremacy?
Two key opponents to the Reformation?
John Fisher and Thomas More
Survey for Dissolution
Valor Ecclesiasticus (1535)
When was the Pilgrimage of Grace?
What did John Fisher and Thomas More refuse to sign?
The Oath of Supremacy
Give 3 reasons why there was little opposition to the Reformation
1532 Treason Laws, little direct impact, gradual changes, Royal Injunctions
Ways in which England was Protestant by 1547
Edward as heir, no papal authority, Catherine Parr, physical Church decor
Ways in which England was NOT Protestant by 1547
Communion, execution of Cromwell, Pilgrimage of Grace
When did Charles capture the Pope?
Impact of the Act in Restraint of Annates (1532)
Stopped payment to the Vatican of up to 95% of annates- intended to force to Pope to reconsider
How did Cromwell justify reform?
Exaggerated growing anticlericalism
How did Cromwell respond to those who resisted reform?
Charged with praemunire
1531 Pardon of the Clergy- what did it do?
Absolved the Church of any wrongdoings
1532 Supplication against the Ordinaries
Attack on the Church
- Riddled with corruption
- Challenged the Church’s right to have independent courts from the State
What were the (3) terms of the 1532 Submission of the Clergy?
- No more ecclesiastical laws independent of the King
- Could not issue laws without royal license
- Had to submit existing laws to a royal committee for revision
When did Thomas Cranmer become Archbishop of Canterbury?
When was the Submission of the Clergy?
When was the Supplication against the Ordinaries?
When was the Pardon of the Clergy?
1536 Act Extinguishing the Authority of the Bishop of Rome clauses (5)
Denied the Pope…
- Access to clerical taxes
- Power of appointment
- Authority over doctrine
- Right to grant dispensations
- Use of his title in England
When did dissolution plans begin?
1535 (after Henry had become head of the Church)
What was the book Cromwell compiled about his visitations?
Comperta Monastica
Give 2 of Cromwell’s besties
Thomas Legh, John ap Rhys, Richard Layton
When was the Valor Ecclesiasticus?
Impact of the Valor and Comperta
Provided the ammunition to close the monasteries
Evidence in the Comperta
Widespread immorality and sexual perversion eg gay monks
1536 Dissolution of the Smaller Monasteries
Houses that failed to meet annual income of over £200 per year
Who was executed under the Treason Act?
Richard Whiting, Abbott of Glastonbury
Social and economic consequences of the dissolution
- Monasteries had been employers of farm workers
- Religious houses offered hospitality
- Did not make the Crown as much as they could- sold too quickly
1536 Royal Injunctions
- Erasing references to the Pope in services
- Defending royal supremacy in sermons
- Removal of superstitious images
When were the Royal Injunctions?
1536 Ten Articles
Rejected Seven Sacraments
The Bishops Book
‘softening up process’
1538 Second set of Royal Injunctions
More specific and reformist, eg removal of saints and statues (rather than discouragement)
When did Cromwell enlist JP’s to help enforce order?
1539 Act of Six Articles
Reversed a lot of Protestant changes, eg reintroduced transubstantiation, enforced clerical celibacy
Reasons for Cromwell’s fall
- Factionalism
- The Cleves marriage
When was Anne Boleyn beheaded?
May 1536
July 1536 Act Extinguishing the Authority of the Bishop of Rome
Got rid of any remaining authority that the Pope had
July 1536 Act of Ten Articles
Passed by Cromwell when Henry was distracted
When was the first set of injunctions under Cromwell?
Aug 1536
Aug 1536 Royal Injunctions (3)
Attacked Catholic practises
Encouraged religious instruction
Bishops who refused reported to Cromwell
July 1537 Bishops Book (2)
Outlined Protestant beliefs
Reduced status of priests
When was the second set of injunctions under Cromwell?
Sep 1538
Example of someone burnt for heresy under Henry and Cromwell
John Lambert
When was the Act of Six Articles passed?
Jun 1539
Evidence the church did not need reforming (3)
Most seemed happy- many left money to the church in their wills
Provided essential services
Limited support for opposition eg Lollards
Example of corruption in the church
The Hunne Case
What did Cromwell compile on the visitations?
Comperta Monastica
Example of Cromwell’s close friends
John ap Rhys, Richard Layton, Thomas Legh
What happened to Cromwell after the Cleves marriage?
Made Earl of Essex