Henry VII and Government and Finance Flashcards
How did HVII use parliament?
How many men did HVII’s Royal Court officially include?
What was the Court of Audit used for?
Monitoring government spending
When was the Star Chamber Act?
What was the Court of Star Chamber?
Prosecuted anyone who behaved in a rebellious manner. Came to be used as a court of appeal
When did Henry use the Act of Resumption to reclaim all crown lands?
What was relief?
Paid by an heir when he received inheritence
What was Livery?
Payment made by a ward upon reaching adulthood
What were customs duties?
Paid on goods entering or leaving the country
What were legal dues?
Money from fines made by people appearing at court
What were loans and benevolenes?
The kings right to ask for financial help in emergencies
How did HVII exploit feudal dues?
1504, £30,000 from parliament for knighthood of late Prince Arthur
What are clerical taxes?
Taxes levied from the church as ‘gifts’ often from laity
When was the Act of Resumption?
By how much did HVII increase crown lands during his reign?
5 times